Private Eye

She was 5 foot 4 , frightened and beautiful.

She threw a letter on my desk and made like a mirage.

She didn't even say "Au Revoir". The letter did though.

They're going to shut the lid on your Private Eye, signed Iris.

Nice name, Nasty note!

The shadows on the street are following you,

And the City is so intense it's swallowing you.

Keeping that eye, wide open.

Keeping that eye, Private eye, on you!


Searching for a stranger.

You know you better watcha step, because someone will always hot when you trip.

Keeping that eye, wide open. (Private eye).

Keeping that eye, Private eye!

When you find what you've risked everything for,

then hold it tight, don't let it out of your sight.

Danger is lurking , out in the night and it's the price you keep your mind right,

Listen to me. This isn't like on TV.

Your vision could end, if you're not careful my friend.

So be cool and keeps those eyes in the back of your head.

Coz, when you catch up with what you're chasing,

You'll never solve he case if you're dead.

Keeping that eye, wide open. (Private eye).

Keeping that eye, wide open. (Private eye).

Keeping that eye, wide open.

Baby keep your peepers peeing when you're asleep.

Putting your peepes to work, you're in deep.


Your vision could end, if you're not careful my friend.

Well you'll survive it, life has a ?

He was 6 foot 2, big and stupid,

Just the way I like 'em.

He was on the case and I was slummin' for the night.

Either way, he was next in line for the big sleep.

Yeah, he was dumb, just the way I like 'em.