Mike Miller

"Fame" has inspired many, many people over the years. I remember I was only 5 years old or so when the original movie came out and remember to this day how successful it was and certainly the success of the music soundtrack. To think that the movie quickly launched what was in my opinion one of the most special TV shows of the 80s. It came along at just the right time and made a big difference in the lives of a lot of people.

That being said, how has "Fame" impacted me over the years? Though I was young kid during the time that the show aired, I found it to be special as it was a show that many young people could relate to with a lot of important messages that were expressed and issues dealt with that are still occouring today including racial discrimination, drug abuse, bullying, suicide prevention and a lot of important stories that were very moving and well educational in a lot of ways.

I also as others would agree saw the wonderful cast of "Fame" as a family. The stories in the episodes involving different characters including the teachers as well as the students going through different problems and issues pulling together and helping each other which I always felt inspired about. In many ways, it was one of those shows that offered so many things that are missing and are desperately needed in society today.

I have always thought of the cast as wonderful actors who all did a wonderful job. While I can say that I have been inspired by the entire cast over the years, I would probably say that

Gene Anthony Ray's character was the one who probably the most like a lot of other people. I remember how they showed the cast in the opening credits in alphabetical order for some time and then eventually there was a change where they included Gene's name last showing "And Gene Anthony Ray as Leroy. I came to the conclusion that they made that change indicating that Gene's role was the most special on that show which he was! As many others knew who watched the show over the years and the other cast probably would agree, Gene was in ways like the leader of the group. When mentioning the family part, though the entire cast was a family including the teachers, when you remember the kids and the family that they were, Gene in ways was the leader of that family.

The music that was included and performed in the series like the movie I also enjoyed and at the same time always felt inspired by as well. While a lot of songs from the series have always been special to me including "Be My Music", "My special place" and "I still believe" to name only a few, I would have to say that my #1 favorite would have to be "Starmaker". There was something very special about that song and every time I have heard it since it has remained special! I listen often to the "Kids from Fame" which I have on CD which I still enjoy very much to this day.

In thinking about those family members from "Fame" who we have sadly lost over the years including Albert Hague and Gene among others, I think while we all miss their presence at the same time they leave us a special legacy which like the other members of Fame will continue to live on and will never be forgotten. As long as we all do our part to keep the legacy of "Fame" alive especially at a time when it is most needed in our world, as the verse in the title song goes, "Fame, I'm gonna live forever"!