Doris and Dogs

In "A Big Finish" we discover that Doris has a serious allergy to dogs. In fact in the episode the dog only ran past the classroom doorway and she is sneezing and spluttering for the whole lesson.

By the end of the episode Doris is in charge of looking after the dog while the show goes on. For someone with such a severe allergy that doesn't seem like a good idea. Although now there's no running eyes or sniffing at all. She does give one solitary sneeze at the end the remind us she dioes have the allergy.

In "Not In Kansas Anymore" there is no sign of Doris' allergy as she cuddles her Aunt's dog. I guess most of that episode takes place in a dream so we should discount that however at the start of the episode, when we are in reality, Doris is carrying the dog wrapped up, in her arms. She tells the others that the dog is staying with her family for a week and she couldn't bare to leave him home alone. Surely someone with such an extreme allergy wouldn't want a dog in the house?