Ultimate Fame CD

The 2004 CD Compilation album brought together a best of collection of Songs from the original Fame Movie, Fame TV Series and Fame The Musical. With the lion's share coming from the TV series. 

Released in the U.K. and Ireland, in October 2004, it had sleeve notes written by Lee Curreri and as a bonus included 2 solo Lee Curreri Fame songs "Murphy Blues " and "False Alarm" neither of which had been released previously. 

Released by BMG Records with Catalogue Number  8 28766 52712 4, the album initially spent 6 weeks on the UK album chart, entering at it's peak position of Number 8 on 16th October. It ended it's 6 week period on 20th November 2004 but would re-enter the charts on 2 further occasions: 22nd October 2005 for 2 weeks peaking at number 77. Then finally 1 week on 13th January 2007 also peaking at 77.