Beginning of October

Welcome to October! We are all looking forward to our Student-Led Conferences coming up next week! Our students have a lot of hard work to be proud of. Additional information and reminders are below.

Please reach out if you have any questions, we are here to serve!


The link is live to sign up for our upcoming Conferences on October 10th and 11th! We are at about 85% signed up so available times are going quick! Please click the link below if you're not already signed up.

Reminder - No School

October 11th - No school for students, but Conferences will be happening from 12:30 - 8

October 12th - No school

October Intersession - Friday, October 12th - Friday, October 19th - Classes resume on Monday, October 22nd

October 25th - October 26th - No school - Teacher Inservice

Therapeutic Services at The Downtown School

Thank you to everyone that indicated wanting more information/needs surrounding the possibility of securing some therapeutic services at The Downtown School. I will be following up with Mosaic this week about our next steps in making this a reality. I will send out updates as I can.

School Picture Day - Wednesday - October 24th

Connect with our Projects!

Please take a moment next time you're in our building to connect with our ongoing PBL work! Even if your student is not in the age level, try to make a connection. It is located directly across from our tree and TV just inside our main entrance.

PTA Membership and Dues

If you're interested in joining the PTA, the PTA dues are $10/family, and student activity fee ($15/student) support learning and enrichment activities throughout the year. These funds spare DTS families the typical school fundraising efforts like magazine, wrapping paper and cookie dough sales!

Please complete the following form before selecting the link to complete your payment via PayPal: