Special Services

"God, who is rich in mercy and love, gives us a

new birth into a living hope through the sacrament of baptism. By water and the Word God delivers us from sin and death and raises us to new life in Jesus Christ. We are united with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and joined in God’s mission for the life of the world.


Baptism is the visible sign of an invisible event:

the reconciliation of all creation to God."


At Faith we do not declare the perfect age for baptism; we trust families and individuals to come to the font when the Spirit calls. For many this looks like infant baptism, but for others, this looks like getting baptized later in life. However, we believe in one baptism - we do not "rebaptize" those who were baptized elsewhere. Baptism at Faith looks like having a conversation with Pastor, gathering at least one sponsor (can be family), and in a Sunday (or small group) worship entering into the baptismal covenant. Water is poured over the head instead of full immersion. In baptism we covenant: 

to be a faithful member of the body of Christ by celebrating Christ’s presence, following in the way of the Lord, furthering Christ’s mission in all the world, resisting evil and oppression, showing love and justice, and witnessing to the work and Word of Christ Jesus.


Pastor Paris is available to officiate weddings for members and non-members alike at our location or at the location of your choice! 

Our sanctuary capacity is 230 people, and our rose stain glass window makes a beautiful backdrop for your ceremony. Our upstairs classrooms provide ample space for the wedding party to get ready for the day, as well as a large fellowship hall downstairs (accessible by stairs and/or elevator). Our fellowship hall fits roughly 100 people comfortably and has a small kitchen that can be utilized at your request. 

For members there are no fees except for the following services: an honorarium for Pastor (suggested amount is $150) and, if applicable, accompanist fee (suggested amount is $75).

For non-members, in addition to the Pastor's honorarium, and accompanist fee if needed, there is a $200 fee for the use of the building. Additional fees may apply if you wish for Faith to host a meal, provide special music, or print programs.

All fees must be paid by the night of rehearsal.


Pastor Paris is available to preside at funerals and graveside services. While she is happy to come to the funeral home of your choice, member and non-members alike are able to use our location for the services if desired. 

See wedding fees above, as the same applies for funerals. If working with a funeral home, these fees will already be included and taken care of by them.

Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

3307 Mulberry Ave, Muscatine Iowa 52761

Phone: (563) 263-5979

Email: Secretary@faithuccmuscatine.com
