Standing, Stength, Sweat & Stretch

Bryne Community Recreation Center   

409  West Youngs Avenue, Wildwood, NJ  


Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.

To be determined -  Check Team Reach for the schedule

Standing, Strength, Sweat and Stretch is a no nonsense workout that aims to hit all the major muscle groups in one single session which will make your workout time efficient.  This class enhances muscles' strength, size, power and endurance. No matter your age or athletic ability, full body strength training is the key to flexibility, mobility, improved performance and lower injury risk.

Sign up for classes on TeamReach where time and place of each class is posted


Download TeamReach App on your phone

TeamReach Symbol


Click: + (to add group code)

GROUP CODE: Weight Workout 

You are now have the app on your phone.

Click on Strength, Sweat, Stretch


Click on the CALENDAR.


A list of classes will appear.


Click on DAY AND TIME you would like to attend class

Click      YES

Click      VIEW(under the maybe) to ensure you are added to the class.   

If you do not have access to the TeamReach App,


for weekly schedule request and to reserve a class spots at least

24 hours in advance of class.