Anything Goes 

Fit Fusion


Friday, 9:15 a.m.

ANYTHING GOES is exactly as it sounds. Each week a different class with an experienced instructor, each will give you an hour of challenging exercises. We are dedicated to providing you fitness options, such as cardio, strength building, body balance and mind connection which will fit your lives and body and help you build lifelong changes to a healthier you. No matter your fitness level, each class can be modified to meet your needs. 

You can find weekly class details on TeamReach – Code: Anything Goes

Needs: sneakers, 3 to 5 lb weights, yoga mat, water

FIT FUSION is an ever changing hybrid energetic, low impact to no impact workout that will take away boredom and offer a total body workout. During the class, you will enjoy a full hour of fun, focusing on working the whole body combining dynamic cardiovascular exercise, strength training, agility, balance, and flexibility. The action packed workouts will combine at least two disciplines, ie: kickboxing, dance, strength training, drum, resistance band, yoga, step, weights, core conditioning, etc.

Need: workout attire, sneakers, hand weights, mat, water

Instructors are: Lynne Catarro, Holly Kelly. Each will bring their unique personal training expertise to the class. Continue to build strength and stamina by trying something new each week.  

Sign up for classes on TeamReach where time and place of each class is posted


Download TeamReach App on your phone

TeamReach Symbol


Click: + (to add group code)

GROUP CODE: AnythingGoes

You are now have the app on your phone.

Click on Anything Goes


Click on the CALENDAR.


A list of classes will appear.


Click on DAY AND TIME you would like to attend class

Click      YES

Click      VIEW(under the maybe) to ensure you are added to the class.   

If you do not have access to the TeamReach App,


for weekly schedule request and to reserve a class spots at least

24 hours in advance of class.