The Pathfinders

."What is a Pathfinder?".

A Pathfinder is a devoted soul that seeks the thrill of travel and danger, always ready to heed the call for adventure. 

Not one easily dissuaded from exploring a forbidden cave system or someone that's terrified to try something new, Pathfinders are individuals who don't quite shine cooped up in a library. They study the world in a different fashion, preferring to have the world itself be the teacher. With the promise of potential new sights, new sounds, and exotic species with every quest, Pathfinders desire to have a hands-on experience rather than read about it. They are often the first to set out into the unknown with the goal of bringing back something worthy of cataloging, whether it be in the form of knowledge, relics, or treasures to fulfill the honorable mandate set forth by the Archive's Creed.

Alongside being committed to the path's ever-stretching road, Pathfinders are exceptional preservers of a more delicate form of knowledge. With time in constant motion and fate always striking in often unpredictable ways, they realize that there are some things worth protecting and preserving that cannot be written into scrolls. Experience is the best teacher, as it has taught veteran adventurers important lessons that stick with them. Pathfinders make it a focus to pass down their wisdom to ensure it withstands the testament of time, thus these veterans of adrenaline also serve as studious pupils or wise mentors. They are exceptional examples of the Pathfinders' Creed.

Pathfinders will be given tasks that gear towards the pursuit of making discoveries, the preservation of knowledge, and exchanging experiences with others for Fabled Prestige. 


All Pathfinders begin their studies as Apprentices before they work up to the Pathfinder title. 

All adventurers begin their treks on the road before they get to the mountain top. Apprentices are recognized but not entrusted just yet with dangerous journeys. They are expected to prove they are capable by embarking on lower-leveled quests, demonstrating good character for the better of the people, and looking to the Pathfinders and Proprietors for guidance and improvement. Apprentices start with Copper rank and must work their way to Silver.

The Pathfinders are the bulk of the branch, serving as the bridge between the Apprentices and the Proprietors. 

While they are experienced and have the ranks to reflect it, these individuals still have things they could master themselves. These devoted individuals are expected to aid Apprentices in their journey up the ranks, as well as look to learn from the Proprietors when they can. They are authorized to take on more difficult quests and adventures that Apprentices cannot embark on just yet. Apprentices must achieve Gold to become a Pathfinder, and they can work their way up to Adamantite.

Lastly, the Proprietors stand out for their commitment to Adventure. 

These are chosen for their inspiring leadership skills and their devotion to teaching their fellow Pathfinders and Apprentices their trades and techniques, as well as upholding the Pathfinders’ Creed. They are chosen by the Guardian to assist them directly with the health and maintenance of The Archives, as well as going on the most perilous of quests that Fables has caught wind of over the years.


We follow the Road where it leads; No Danger or Difficulty will Deter us;
We climb the highest Mountain, No Peak will Defy us;
We fjord the widest River, No Water will Deny us;
We explore the hidden Dungeons, No Darkness will Demoralize us;
For we are Pathfinders to Seek is our Creed. 

."How can I contribute as a Pathfinder?".

There are multiple ways one can contribute to the Group and rank up Fable Prestige! 

Below are writing Prompts aimed to inspire your characters to survey Sincadere, whether they aim to fight monsters, help the needy, or explore the world. There are also Prompts to meet fellow group members, visit other nations, or furthering the goals of the Fables of Fortune

The ultimate way you can contribute as a Pathfinder is to write about what best interests you, and inspire others to do the same.

."How can I rank up as a Pathfinder?".

Simple: Roleplay & Write!

The prompts below are the guidelines that Fables of Fortune want its Pathfinders to follow. There can be some variation, but ultimately all submitted works should stay within the theme of the Prompts.

The goal is to encourage adventures, exploration, and meeting your Pathfinder and Chronicler partners. You should do all three a month to stay on the right path.

."How do I submit my Writing/ Roleplay Logs?".

You have two ways to submit your work: and it'd be mighty appreciated if you do both!

In World Location (Click Here!)

Fables of Fortune -

Explore the World, Follow the Creed

The Roster

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Assist the Chroniclers with Research