Fabled Prestige

."What is Fabled Prestige (FP)?".

The Fables of Fortune operates as an adventurers nexus where individuals, groups, entities, or nations can request certain tasks be completed. To ensure that missions are appropriately ranked for the skill level of an Adventurer or group these missions are assigned a Fabled Prestige level. 

If you wish to request a task be posted for completion by Fables of Fortune Click Here!

 Fabled Prestige is assigned from Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Mithril, and Adamantine. 

Every task defined by the Fables of Fortune has an associated FP value. Turn in your tasks and quests to have Fabled Prestige assigned to your account! A maximum of 200 Fabled Prestige can be accredited to an account a Month.

Only Chroniclers or Pathfinders are eligible for non-Monthly Group Event-related Fabled Prestige.

Rank Value by Fabled Prestige

Adamantine - 1500FP

Mithril  - 750FP

Gold  -  350FP

Silver - 150FP

Iron - 50FP

Copper - 0 FP

Fabled Prestige Values

Monthly Group Event - 100FP

Self-Generated Adventure/Dungeon - 30FP

Fable Generated Adventure/Dungeon - 30FP

Research into Lore or Factions - 30FP

Creative Writing/Self Discovery - 15FP