Mission Statement

Every story has three important components: A beginning, a journey, and a conclusion.

The Beginning

It is through the trade of fables for fortune that the seeds of Fables began to take root. The founding Curators were once nothing more than nomadic fortune tellers that hailed from territory owned by the Lotus, asking any traveling monks for an interesting tale. In return for their elaborate story, the women would give food and companionship, and send them off with fortunate winds dancing their tabi so that their next grand adventure would be extraordinary, in hopes that one day fortune would allow their paths to cross again. 

Along their travels, the women had come across a man that would be later established as the founding Guardian of Fables. They had multiple small encounters at first, exchanging pleasantries for stories. However, a fated encounter that almost turned fatal roused the adventurer to defend the Curators and their collection of acquired literature. As a gesture of gratitude from the women, and a means of finding a call to action for the man, the party of two became three, and they set off together to continue collecting tales.

The cycle repeated for days, to weeks, to months... Perhaps years.

The tradition carried on from village to village until they found themselves at the capital of the empire. It was a thriving community with rich diversity, promising new sights, sounds, and company unique to the Lotus for all. With an abundance of food and comforts to attract travelers, there was no longer a need to migrate to sate their quench for adventure. Thus, the seedlings of Fables of Fortune began to sprout. With a goal of collecting stories and preserving knowledge, the founding Curators and Guardian began a small group with the aim to become something more; a thriving archive of life's most fascinating tales.

The Journey

Fables of Fortune is a group of like-minded individuals who all seek to write, read, and experience adventures. However, every person's idea of adventure is unique to the adventurer. While some may enjoy travelling on the road, others may find letting their minds explore the terrain be much more exciting.

To accommodate the contrasting and valid views, the group is evenly split into two categories with three independent bodies.

The Curators

The Curators are the Leaders of Fables of Fortunes, and with the guidance of the Guardian, oversee the growth of the entire group. The Curators are responsible for making decisions that benefit the group as a whole. Along with their duties to ensure the group thrives, they heed the people's wishes and discuss with the Guardian potential improvements. They also are the ultimate keepers of The Archives, ensuring it stays updated and the works submitted meet expectations.

Within the presence of the Guardian, the Curators oversee the growth and development of the Chroniclers. They decide which Chroniclers have proven their merit to ascend to the rank of Steward, as well as act as a mentor for any within the Chronicler branch.

The Guardian

The Guardian is the Second-in-Command of Fables of Fortunes, or the acting force of authority should the Curators be absent from their duties. They provide guidance and assistance in matters associated with the benefit of the group as a whole. The Guardian works alongside the Curators by contributing the records of every adventurer's Fabeled Pretiege within the group to The Archives.

Within the presence of the Curators, the Guardian oversees the growth and development of the Pathfinders. They decide which Pathfinders have proven their merit to ascend to the rank of Proprietor, as well as being a mentor for any within the Pathfinder branch.


Novices are adventurers, wanderers, travelers, and curious individuals who are uncertain about which path they should follow.

These souls are encouraged to explore the group, ask questions if they're curious, and involve themselves with either path's low-level activities to get an idea of which path that may best suit them. When they believe they are ready to choose, they can seek out the leaders of the Fables of Fortune to begin!

The Chroniclers

The Chroniclers are the branch of Fables that are entrusted with cataloging and maintaining the many adventures the Pathfinders embark on, along with recording new discoveries made during them. These individuals are tasked with researching myths and rumors that float within Sincadere and dissecting them. Along with their primary task, they are also given smaller duties of interest, such as decoding lost relics, translating ancient scrolls, and exchanging knowledge for the betterment of the people.

The Pathfinders

The Pathfinders are the branch of Fables that embark on select quests and adventures for either the documentation of knowledge or the good of the Realm. These brave souls work with information collected from Chroniclers regarding myths or maps and are in charge of personally investigating them. Whether it is an adventure to explore uncharted territory or investigating a rumor that plagued the people, the Pathfinders are entrusted to investigate possible leads towards new discoveries and create stories to bring back to the group. 

The Conclusion

From humble roots doth the Fables of Fortune begin to grow, in high hopes that Pathfinders far and wide will come to the call of adventure- from the empire or perhaps down below, and Chroniclers come to investigate ancient tales of woe. 

Through patience and perseverance will one learn to hone their craft within the group, and with many like-minded individuals will the next big adventure be within the loop.

Every story has three important components: A beginning, a journey, and a conclusion, and to the patient reader, a good story enriches the soul with food

But the question is, how will the tale of Fables of Fortune conclude?