Accredited Groups

Accredited Groups are individual teams that have signed up with the Fables of Fortune with the expressed purpose of joining monthly Adventures, these groups can be members of any faction, PRG, or just a group of friends. A Group Leader must reach out (whether IC or via "letter" - Google Form) and sign up with themselves plus 2-4 other members. Do not hesitate to reach out and ask questions!

These Monthly events will reward 100 Fabled Prestige to every individual that attends as well as being able to use the event for character backstory, ICly acquire items, and meet interesting people!

(To add new or remove members to your group after the original submission contact Hollow/Sincere or Alex)

Would your Group like to be added to the roster?

Groups are listed in order of "Total Fabled Prestige" of their members. 

Fables of Fortune

Total Fable Prestige: 885

Adarvan Barak
Rhatha Saengduen
Banyen Duangkamon

The Usual Suspects

Total Fable Prestige: 300

Vigil MacLeod
Ada Duskstrider
Korin Duskstrider

Your Group Name Here 

Total Fable Prestige:

Leader of Group
Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
Team Member 4

Image can be submitted to be the Group "banner" etc. but is not required.