

2016 - Interactive Image Filtering with Multiple Levels-of-Control on Mobile Devices [ paper, web ]
Amir Semmo, Tobias Durschmid, Matthias Trapp, Mandy Klingbeil, Jürgen Döllner, Sebastian Pasewaldt 

2014 - Towards Photo Watercolorization with Artistic Verisimilitude [ paper, web ]
Miaoyi Wang, Bin Wang, Yun Fei, Kanglai Qian, Wenping Wang, Jiating Chen, Jun-Hai Yong

2006 - Interactive Watercolor Rendering with Temporal Coherence and Abstraction [ paper, web ]
Adrien Bousseau, Matt Kaplan, Joëlle Thollot, François X. Sillion

2004 - Creating Watercolor Style Images Taking Into Account Painting Techniques [ paper ]
Henry Johan, Ryota Hashimoto, Tomoyuki Nishita

1997 - Computer-Generated watercolor [ paper, web ]
Cassidy J. Curtis, Sean E. Anderson, Joshua E. Seims, Kurt W. Fleischer, David H. Salesin 

1991 - Simulating watercolor by modeling diffusion, pigment, and paper fibers [ paper ]
David Small


2017 - Edge- and susbtrate-based effects for watercolor stylization [ paper, web ]
Santiago E. Montesdeoca, Hock Soon Seah, Pierre Bénard, Romain Vergne, Joëlle Thollot, Hans-Martin Rall, Davide Benvenuti

2017 - Art-directed watercolor stylization of 3D animations in real-time [ paper, web ]
Santiago E. Montesdeoca, Hock Soon Seah, Hans-Martin Rall, Davide Benvenuti

2016 - Art-directed Watercolor Rendered Animation [ paper, web ]
Santiago E. Montesdeoca, Hock Soon Seah, Hans-Martin Rall

2008 - Watercolor Illustrations of CAD Data [ paper ]
Thomas Luft, Frank Kobs, Walter Zinser, Oliver Deussen

2006 - Interactive Watercolor Rendering with Temporal Coherence and Abstraction [ paper, web ]
Adrien Bousseau, Matt Kaplan, Joëlle Thollot, François X. Sillion

2006 - Real-Time Watercolor Illustrations of Plants Using a Blurred Depth Test [ paper, web ]
Thomas Luft, Oliver Deussen

2006 - Interactive Watercolor Animations [ paper, web ]
Thomas Luft, Oliver Deussen


2013 - Painting with Polygons: A Procedural Watercolor Engine [ N.A. ]
Stephen DiVerdi, Aravind Krishnaswamy, Radomír Měch, Daichi Ito

2013 - RealBrush: Painting with Examples of Physical Media [ paper, web ]
Jingwan Lu, Connelly Barnes, Stephen DiVerdi, Adam Finkelstein

2005 - MoXi: Real-time Ink Dispersion in Absorbent Paper [ paper, web ]
Nelson S.-H. Chu, Chiew-Lan Tai

1997 - Computer-Generated watercolor [ paper, web ]
Cassidy J. Curtis, Sean E. Anderson, Joshua E. Seims, Kurt W. Fleischer, David H. Salesin 

1991 - Simulating watercolor by modeling diffusion, pigment, and paper fibers [ paper ]
David Small

This list does not encompass or represent the entire literature on the subject matter. Nonetheless, the publications listed here have been considered relevant and influential enough by contributors to manually include them in the repository. Do you feel that other work deserves to be featured here? Please help us contributing to this website/repository.