

Please contact the ExploreASL team for questions, help or collaboration.

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  • Henk Mutsaerts is a medical doctor with a passion for image processing. His research focuses on the development of arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion MRI as clinical biomarker in aging and aging-related disease. He led the effort to combine and analyze ASL data from ~30 research centers in Asia, Europe and the USA, from all 3 major MRI manufacturers. Henk currently moderates the international standardization of ASL data structure (BIDS), and is developing standardized ASL quality control within the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium.

  • Jan Petr is an medical engineer interested in technical aspects of ASL such as partial volume correction and his current focus is application of ASL in brain cancer imaging. He works on comparing ASL and PET in brain tumors, he studies the normal tissue changes after radiochemotherapy, and he leads the Clinical translation working group in the GliMR COST Action aimed at bringing gliomas researchers across the Europe together.


Our research is stratified in three trajectories: 1) standardization, 2) differentiation and 3) application of ASL as a biomarker of cognitive decline.

  1. Standardization includes the development and standardization of ASL image processing to improve multi-center reproducibility (available as the ExploreASL software package).

  2. Interpretation entails the discovery of (patho-)physiological components in the ASL perfusion signal and the ability to distinguish between them. Henk leads several international collaborations for developing: 1) a novel image processing method that “flip-thinks” artifacts on perfusion scans to extract vascular information, 2) partial volume correction, aimed at separating the structural and localized tissue perfusion components, 3) combining this in the ASL-Based Brain Atlas (ABBA).

  3. Application of ASL in clinical research, clinical practice and pharmaceutical trials bridges research and clinical practice; in collaboration with companies such as Philips Healthcare, Mediri and Gold Standard Phantoms.