
How They work

Unlike Towny servers, towns on Experience MC are noteasy to create. A sum of $3 Million is needed to create a town. This is done in hopes having a smaller number, of solid towns,  rather than a large number of teeny towns with 1 or 2 inactive people each. Mayors have the ability to change things like the name, color, banner, and spawn. All of which should be discussed and decided by town members. 

Towns themselves don't have rules, however you should follow build themes and such as discussed by fellow town members. Each month towns have town contests which come with lots of rewards. Players are able to teleport to the spawn of their town, while only able to obtain a compass to other towns. This is to encourage path's to be made and traveled for trade an visiting and such. 

How to use

Most town related things can be done through the town menu by doing /t or /town. The town menu can be used to view, join, and leave towns. You can also use /town join or /town leave. The town menu allows you to copy the town banner, view all town member's profiles, teleport/ be directed to the spawn, and view other information such as quests and season rewards.

You are free to join and leave towns as you see fit, however it is best to stick to one town at least through the end of the month, as when you leave a town, any contribution points you earned for the town contest, and any town MVP votes you received will vanish. 

Do I have to be in a town?

No, you do not have to be in a town. However you will be missing out on tons of rewards, and fulfilling teamwork.

Members of towns are HIGHLY encouraged to build and live close to their town spawn, but it of course is not a requirement.


Contribution Points:  Contribution points are gained  bit by bit for every action you take towards a town quest.  The rough equation is 5 points per quests. However there are some nuances and inaccuracies to this that do not translate to # of quests completed due to partially completed quests, modified quests, and some inaccuracies within submission quests.

Participating members. Participating members are calculated by anyone who has a current contribution of 10 or greater. Unless the towns quest level is under 10, then it is calculated by anyone who has a Quest Level of 10 or greater. This number is used in determining quest size, quest payout, and power.

Town Power : Town power is an asymptotic equation that approaches the cumulative quest level of all participating members. If Town A has 5 participating members all at Quest Level 100, their cumulative level is 500, their power may look something more like 380. Whereas, if Town B has 25 participating members, and each of them is quest level 20, their cumulative is also 500, but since their participating population is so large, their power will be much closer to 500 than Town A.
Actual Equation (1.0 - 1 / ParticipatingMembers) * CumulativePower + (1.0 / ParticipatingMembers))

Quest Amounts: Quest amounts have a base value within the quest template that is multiplied with numbers such as the # of town quests completed that day, and the participating population of the town. Power is not included in the Amount calculation, as this would punish the town for personal quests being done.
Actual Equation:  (1000+( 350* (ParticipatingMembers*2) *   (1+(today/10))   *   (totalQuests/15)))  / baseAmount

Quest Rewards: Quest rewards unlike quest amounts DO weigh on town power. Because of this, towns with high personal quest achievers can earn massive rewards even at lower quest levels. In order of most pertinent to least pertinent, town quest rewards are affected by Town Quest Level, Quests Today, Town Power, Participating Population. Keep in mind that taxes are siphoned from this value into the regular bank.
Actual  Equation: 1000 * (ParticipatingMembers)  *  (1+(QuestsToday/2)+(QuestLevel/50)+(TownPower/300) )

Season Bank Distribution: Only the town in 1st place receives 100% of their season bank. For each place lower, the bank is cut by 10% before distribution. So if every town has $1 Million in their season bank the banks would look like the following:
1st Place: $1,000,000

2nd Place: $900,000

3rd Place: $800,000

4th Place: $700,000

Once the cut has been made the bank is distributed. Half of the bank is split evenly among all contributing members (10+ contribution points) and the other half is split 100% relative to contribution points.

Season Keys: The calculation for season keys earned is not proportional to contribution points, but where your town ranks, and where you rank among your town in contribution. Meaning 1st place at 1000 contribution, will be the same as 1st place at 500 contribution.
Similar to the bank, the number of possible keys is cut by 10% for each place you lost in the contest. At first place, the town ranking will look like this:
1st contributor: 10

2nd contributor: 9

3rd : 8

4th: 7 etc.
Then, bonus keys are applied to that based on how long you have been in the town, capping out at 120days.
The maximum possible # of keys is 19.

Actual Equation: (((10.0 - (RankWithinTown - 1.0)) * (1.0 + (   min (DaysInTown / 30, 1)   )  ))    /  TownRank)