Housing Market

Creating a house

The House selector

The house selector tool is obtained with the command

Much like world edit, you then right and left click to create a bounding box on opposite corners of your building.
If you don't understand this part, check out the buildings at /warp housing and note that the glass blocks are the opposite corners making the bounding box

Once your second point has been set you can view the cost of materials as well as if you have any black-listed blocks by doing

Black Listed blocks will prevent you from creating your house. It will tell you what they are and how many. If you cannot find them, consider making a worldedit selection and replacing those blocks. (Ask staff for worldedit perms)

Creating/submitting your house

Creating your house is done with the command

The name must be one word, letters only, and two houses cannot have the same name. (It will prompt you if you give it a name that is already taken). The name is how staff will be able to activate it on the market, and will be seen by players.

The price must be an integer, no negatives, no decimals, no dollar sign, no commas. This number will be added to the materials and is the profit that You will be payed if someone buys your house.

After your house is made, go onto the discord, find the housing ticket channel, and create a ticket. In the ticket, please provide the following:

Staff will then get on it as quickly as possible.

Material Pricing

Materials are broken into 5 price categories. 

  $: 6.5

  $$: 20.0

  $$$: 50.0

  $$$$: 150.0

  $$$$$: 270.0

Unlisted blocks are sold at $ Price.


- air

- grass_block

- dirt

- gravel

- sand

- red_sand

- snow

- snow_block

- oak_leaves

- spruce_leaves

- birch_leaves

- jungle_leaves

- dark_oak_leaves

- mangrove_leaves

- acacia_leaves

- cherry_leaves

- azalea_leaves

- flowering_azalea_leaves

- grass

- tall_grass

- fern

- tall_fern

- dead_bush

- dandelion

- poppy

- blue orchid

- allium

- azure_bluet

- red_tulip

- orange_tulip

- white_tulip

- pink_tulip

- corn_flower

- peony

- lilac

- sunflower

- rose_bush

- glow_lichen

- crimson_roots

- lily_of_the_valley

- water

- light


- cobweb

- magma_block

- deepslate

- cobbled_deepslate

- deepslate_stairs

- deepslate_slab

- deepslate_wall

- polished_cobbled_deepslate

- polished_deepslate_stairs

- polished_deepslate_slab

- polished_deepslate_wall

- polised_deepslate

- deepslate_brick_stairs

- deepslate_brick_slab

- deepslate_brick_wall

- deepslate_bricks

- chiseled_deepslate

- cracked_deepslate_bricks

- cracked_deepslate_tiles

- deepslate_tiles

- deepslate_tile_stairs

- deepslate_tile_slab

- deepslate_tile_wall

- ochre_froglight

- verdant_froglight

- pearlescent_froglight

- glowstone

- white_glazed_terracotta

- light_gray_glazed_terracotta

- gray_glazed_terracotta

- black_glazed_terracotta

- brown_glazed_terracotta

- red_glazed_terracotta

- orange_glazed_terracotta

- yellow_glazed_terracotta

- lime_glazed_terracotta

- green_glazed_terracotta

- cyan_glazed_terracotta

- light_blue_glazed_terracotta

- blue_glazed_terracotta

- purple_glazed_terracotta

- magenta_glazed_terracotta

- pink_glazed_terracotta


- slime_block

- honey_block

- daylight_detector

- dropper

- dispenser

- observer

- piston

- sticky_piston

- redstone_lamp

- rail

- powered_rail

- detector_rail

- activator_rail

- packed_ice

- smoker

- blast_furnace

- smithing_table

- gridstone

- stonecutter

- loom

- cartography_table


- obsidian

- sponge

- wet_sponge

- prismarine

- prismarine_stairs

- prismarine_slab

- prismarine_wall

- prismarine_bricks

- prismarine_brick_stairs

- prismarine_brick_slab

- dark_prismarine

- dark_prismarine_stairs

- dark_prismarine_slab

- sea_lantern

- hopper

- gilded_blackstone

- redstone_block


- sculk_sensor

- crying_obsidian

- amethyst_block

- calibrated_sculk_sensor

- blue_ice

- anvil


All blacklisted blocks are blacklisted for a reason, most of which should be obvious.

- iron_block

- coal_block

- netherite_block

- diamond_block

- lapis_block

- emerald_block

- gold_block

- frogspawn

- spawner

- pitcher_plant

- torchflower

- torchflower_crop

- pitcher_crop

- wither_rose

- budding_amethyst

- raw_iron_block

- raw_copper_block

- raw_gold_block

- ancient_debris

- reinforced_deepslate

- enchanting_table

- brewing_stand

- beacon

- conduit

- bedrock

- sculk_catalyst

- sculk_shrieker

- ender_chest

- turtle_egg

- sniffer_egg

- respawn_anchor

- wither_skeleton_skull

- player_head

- zombie_head

- creeper_head

- pigline_head

- dragon_head

- dragon_egg

- skeleton_skull

- end_portal_frame

- nether_portal

- end_portal

- end_gateway

- suspicious_sand

- suspicious_gravel

- bee_nest

- beehive

- tnt

- barrier

- lodestone

- decorated_pot

- coal_ore

- iron_ore

- gold_ore

- redstone_ore

- lapis_ore

- copper_ore

- diamond_ore

- emerald_ore

- deepslate_coal_ore

- deepslate_iron_ore

- deepslate_gold_ore

- deepslate_redstone_ore

- deepslate_lapis_ore

- deepslate_copper_ore

- deepslate_diamond_ore

- deepslate_emerald_ore

- nether_gold_ore

- nether_quartz_ore

- white_shulker_box

- light_gray_shulker_box

- gray_shulker_box

- black_shulker_box

- brown_shulker_box

- red_shulker_box

- orange_shulker_box

- yellow_shulker_box

- lime_shulker_box

- green_shulker_box

- cyan_shulker_box

- light_blue_shulker_box

- blue_shulker_box

- purple_shulker_box

- magenta_shulker_box

- pink_shulker_box

- shulker_box_shulker_box