Let’s Go Green: Integrating
Environmental Sustainability
into English Language Teaching
This session equips English language teachers with effective strategies to integrate environmental sustainability into their EFL /ESL lessons by fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and promoting responsible citizenship. This approach empowers English language teachers and students to become active agents of change through contextualized, sustainable actions.
Target audience:
The target audience of the session would be English teachers who are interested in integrating environmental sustainability contents in their classrooms
Session Outcomes
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify key components of environmental sustainability and explain their relevance to English language teaching by analyzing their understanding of global environmental issues.
Develop environmental sustainability strategies in English language teaching by analyzing and discussing a real-world case study of a sustainable initiative and its implications for teaching.
Create at least five types of authentic materials related to environmental sustainability to evaluate participants knowledge, skills and attitudes as active agents of change regarding real-world environmental issues.
Present an assessment strategy to reflect on students' understanding of sustainability concepts by sharing experiences with environmental sustainability integration in English language teaching.
Reflect on their personal and professional growth by participating in a reflective wrap-up forum and completing an end-of-session survey to provide feedback to the moderators.
Session Description:
Modality: The sessions will be conducted in an online format, with asynchronous activities. The sessions will provide opportunities for real-time interaction, discussion, and feedback. The activities will allow participants to work at their own pace and complete tasks outside scheduled live sessions.
Pre- and post-workshop surveys: To measure participants' knowledge and attitudes towards environmental sustainability before and after the workshop.
Forums: participants will discuss different alternatives on how to integrate environmental sustainability in their lessons.
Quizzes: multiple choice quiz to check understanding.
Peer feedback: Participants will provide feedback on each other's work.
End-of-session survey: Participants will provide feedback on the workshop's content, delivery, and effectiveness.
Participation: Regular participation in synchronous sessions and completion of asynchronous tasks will be considered for evaluation.
Registration Week: January 5 - 11
Registration Week: January 5 - 11
Focus: Orientation, schedules, learning outcomes, general participants’ concerns
By the end of this session, participants will …
Introduce themselves and write about the biodiversity of their country
Receive clear and concise information about the course structure, learning outcomes, and expectations.
Have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers regarding the course, its requirements, and any potential challenges.
Week 1: January 13–19
Focus: Defining environmental sustainability, its key components, and its relevance to EFL teaching.
Objective: By the end of this week, participants will have identified key components of environmental sustainability and explained their relevance to English language teaching by analyzing their understanding of global environmental issues.
1.1. Discussion: Defining environmental sustainability and explaining its key components
1.2. Discussion: Connections between language learning and environmental sustainability
1.3. Quiz: Eco PBL for English language learning
Week 2: January 20–26
Focus: Developing strategies for lesson plans that effectively integrate sustainability concepts in ELT students.
Objective: By the end of week 2, participants will have developed environmental sustainability strategies in English language teaching by analyzing and discussing a real-world case study of a sustainable initiative and its implications for teaching.
2.1. Brainstorming session: Participants brainstorm relevant sustainability topics and themes for EFL lessons.
2.2. Discussion: Select stories on ES in ELT
2.3. Peer Feedback: Participants exchange their best strategies and provide feedback to each other.
2.4. Lesson plan development: Participants work individually or in pairs to develop lesson plans that integrate sustainability into their chosen topics.
Week 3: January 27–February 2
Focus: Sourcing and utilizing authentic assessment related to environmental sustainability and connecting EFL lessons to real-world issues.
Objectives: By the end of week 3, participants will have identified and created different types of materials related to environmental sustainability to assess participants knowledge, skills, and attitudes as active agents of change regarding real-world environmental issues.
3.1. Resources: Assessment in Eco-linguistics
3.2. Discussion: Language assessment from an eco - linguistic perspective
3.3. Discussion: Cultural Relevance Analysis
3.4. Discussion: Sustainability Content Analysis
3.5. Discussion: Challenges and Benefits of Authentic Materials in EFL Teaching for Environmental Sustainability
3.6. Discussion: Integrating Authentic Sustainability Materials for Language Learning and Environmental Awareness
Week 4: February 3–9
Focus: Developing rubrics and assessment tools to measure students' understanding of environmental sustainability concepts and evaluating the effectiveness of environmental sustainability-focused lessons.
Objectives: By the end of week 4, participants will have presented an assessment strategy to reflect on students' understanding of sustainability concepts by sharing experiences with environmental sustainability integration in English language teaching.
4.1. Explore resources for assessment creation
4.2. Discussion: your sustainable assessment
4.3. Discussion: Rubric development
4.4. Quiz: Self-reflection on integrating sustainability
Week 5: February 10–16
Focus: Reflecting on personal growth, sharing best practices.
Objectives: By the end of week 5, participants will have reflected on their personal and professional growth by participating in a reflective wrap-up forum and completing an end-of-session survey to provide feedback to the moderators.
5.1. Personal reflection infographic: Guide participants through a reflective exercise to identify their key takeaways and areas for growth.
5.2. Engage and give feedback to other participants.
5.3. Let’s Go Green Final Survey
5.4. EVO final Survey
Learning Management System (LMS) and Communication Media
Content space: Canvas
Interactive space: Canvas for Asynchronous activities
Live meeting space for synchronous meeting: Zoom
Other technology tools
Interactive tools for synchronous sessions: Padlet, Mentimeter, Kahoot, Wordwall
Communication: Canvas and WhatsApp
Al-Jamal, D. A., & Al-Omari, W. (2014). Thinking green: Analyzing EFL textbooks in light of ecological education themes. Thinking, 5(14), 151-158.ISSN 2222-1735 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234635755.pdf
Lasekan, O., & Godoy, M. (2020). Towards a sustainable local development of instructional material: An impact assessment of locally produced videos on EFL learners’ skills and individual difference factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2075. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02075/full
Mete, D. E. (2018). Incorporating environmental education in English language teaching through Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 40, 33-44. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/629563
Milo. (n.d.). Sustainability in Education: A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers. https://www.notion4teachers.com/blog/integrating-sustainability-education-guide
Nur, S., Anas, I., & Pilu, R. (2022). The call for environmentally-based language teaching and green pedagogy: Climate actions in language education. Elsya: Journal of English Language Studies, 4(1), 77-85. https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/elsya/article/view/9526/3858
Nkwetisama, C. M. (2011). EFL/ESL and Environmental Education: Towards an Eco-Applied Linguistic Awareness in Cameroon. World Journal of Education, 1(1), 110-118. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1159052
Yu, B., Guo, W. Y., & Fu, H. (2024). Sustainability in English Language Teaching: Strategies for Empowering Students to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 16(8), 3325. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/16/8/3325
Join this session:
Registration Jan. 5-11, 2025
For participants to join this session:
To register, go to (URL): https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/9KNLWG
Enroll in https://canvas.instructure.com/register; use the join code 9KNLWG