Grammar for TESOL
Grammar for TESOL offers new and experienced TESOL teachers theoretical and practical insights into grammar teaching and learning. Through hands-on interactive content, participants are provided with multiple opportunities to develop and receive feedback on grammar instructional materials and error correction practices as they evaluate and utilize online and AI-generative technology.
Target audience:
New and experienced TESOL teachers in a variety of teaching settings who are interested in visiting/revisiting the knowledge and theory behind their grammar teaching and developing multimodal grammar lessons while exploring online and AI-generative technology.
Session Outcomes
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
reflect on and share their beliefs about learning and teaching grammar by participating in several interactive activities (Week 1 - Week 4)
review and acquire necessary foundational theoretical knowledge related to pedagogical grammar through interactive content (Week 2)
implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to create inclusive and accessible grammar instructional materials (Week 2)
explore, practice and evaluate the use of several online and generative AI tools to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of grammar-focused materials (Week 2 and Week 3)
apply their understanding of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) as they create and showcase grammar-focused lesson plans and materials and incorporate effective online tools and generative AI (Week 2 and Week 3)
review and practice a variety of error correction and feedback provision methods on sample student products and evaluate online and AI-generative technology to improve their feedback strategies (Week 3 and Week 4)
set and share professional development goals for their prospective grammar-focused teaching (Week 5)
Session Description:
Please note:
The content and tasks in this session are cumulative; participants interact with moderators and participants, reflect on their knowledge and experience, and grasp foundational concepts before they progress to practical applications of such concepts.
For a more structured facilitation of the session, participants are expected to follow the weekly timelines. Each week's content will become accessible to participants only after successfully completing the required weekly task and earning the weekly badge.
Participants are awarded a certificate of completion after earning the Five Weekly Badges.
Weekly synchronous meetings (on Saturdays 8:00- 9:00 AM EST) facilitated by the moderators will review the previous week, walk participants through upcoming weeks and answer any questions they may have.
Week 1: January 13–19
Orientation, Introductions and Reflections on Grammar Learning and Teaching
Objectives: By the end of Week 1, participants will be able to:
get acquainted with other fellow participants and session moderators as well as the online platform and tools used in the session by participating in the Introduction Forum and reviewing the various features of the Canvas LMS elements, using a variety of resources to accommodate different learning preferences
review Netiquette expectations by accessing guidelines in different formats
choose a metaphor for teaching and/or learning grammar and justify their choice on an online collaboration tool
review a selection of optional resources on grammar learning and instruction available in a variety of formats
reflect on and complete a survey on specific aspects of grammar learning and instruction
Week 2: January 20–26
Teacher Knowledge (Grammar Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge and TPACK; Knowledge of Learners and UDL)
Objectives: By the end of week 2, participants will be able to:
respond to the results of the Week 1 survey by contributing to the online discussion forum with their observations and reflections
review their understanding of Grammar Content Knowledge using interactive content and various accessible readings on grammatical terminology and instruction
learn and reflect on the use of the UDL framework in grammar instruction through interactive content and guided questions
explore the affordances and challenges of generative AI in creating grammar instructional materials through a variety of multimodal resources
create and share a presentation to show their understanding of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge utilizing AI-enabled technology to demonstrate an understanding of the TPACK framework and incorporating UDL principles
give and receive feedback from fellow participants and moderators on the shared presentations using the same online discussion forum
provide their thoughts and suggestions on the G4T learning experience in their responses to a mid-session feedback survey, aimed at improving the session to better cater to diverse learning needs
Week 3: January 27–February 2
Practice: Grammar-Focused Lesson Planning and Material Development
Objectives: By the end of week 3, participants will be able to:
brainstorm characteristics of appropriate materials for grammar instruction by posting on an online collaboration tool
explore and practice using some online tools and AI-enabled technology that can aid creating grammar-focused lesson plans
review sample lesson plans and multimedia resources to cater to learner variability
work individually or collaborate in self-selected groups, using online collaboration tools, to create a complete lesson plan for their respective teaching purposes drawing upon the knowledge gained in Week 2
share and showcase their/their team's lesson plan, justifying their choices and explaining the role of their chosen technological tool(s) within the TPACK Framework by contributing to the discussion forum
give feedback on the other participants’ or teams' lesson plans/activities and share their reflections on the feedback they have received in the same discussion forum
Week 4: February 3–9
Practice: Error Correction and Feedback Provision
Objectives: By the end of week 4, participants will be able to:
reflect on and complete a survey on error correction practices and feedback provision methods
review various accessible readings on students’ beliefs and teachers’ perspectives on error correction and feedback provision
explore and analyze possible online tools and checkers, including AI-enabled technology
practice error correction and give individualized feedback on sample student written and oral products and upload their annotated versions to the week's discussion forum
share their pedagogical rationales on the same discussion forum, specifying where, how and why they used online and AI-generative technology
give and receive feedback from fellow participants and moderators on the shared error corrections and feedback provision methods using the same online discussion forum
Week 5: February 10–16
Session Wrap-Up and Ongoing Professional Development
Objectives: By the end of week 5, participants will be able to:
respond to the results of the Week 4 Error Correction and Feedback Survey by contributing to the online discussion forum with their observations and reflections
explore class observation as CPD (Continual Professional Development) using some suggestions for broad criteria
complete class observation templates of observed online classes and share their completed templates in the discussion forum
review online opportunities and resources for ongoing professional development
participate in the End-of-Session Reflective Wrap-up Activity with a creative visual representation of their session experiences using a variety of online tools
complete the EVO2025 End-of-Session Survey (The link to the survey will be provided by the EVO 2025 Coordination Team during MOD PD.)
Learning Management System (LMS) and Communication Media
Content space (the Learning Management System, LMS, where syllabus, weekly modules with readings, videos, and activities will be): Canvas Free for Teachers
Interactive space (group/community/forum): Canvas Free for Teachers; Padlet; Google Workspace
Live meeting space (for synchronous events/webinars): Zoom
Other technology tools
For creating interactive content: Quizlet; Genially; Padlet; ScreenPal; Nearpod; Edpuzzle and others
For creating lesson plans and grammar instructional materials: Twee,MagicSchoolAI Lesson Generator,ChatGPT4.o mini
For collaboration: Padlet; Google Workspace
More tools will be added
CAST. (2024). Universal Design for Learning guidelines version 3.0.
Ellis, R. (2005). Principles of instructed language learning. System, 33 (2), 209-224.
Ellis, R. (2008, December). Principles of Instructed Second Language Acquisition. CAL.
Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, B. L., & Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. RELC Journal, 54 (3).
Lakhan, S. (2014, December 5). Is learner-centered teaching the best for ESL adults? TESL Blog.
Li, Y., Du, W., & Zhu, B. (2023). Cognitive engagement of low proficiency learners: Evaluating the impact of ChatGPT feedback in EFL writing. Frontiers in Educational Research, 6(28), 69 73.
Liu, Q., & Wu, S. (2019). Same goal, varying beliefs: How students and teachers see the effectiveness of feedback on second language writing. Journal of Writing Research, 11 (2), 299-330.
Vorobieva, N. (2024). The mechanisms of Artificial Intelligence in the process of teaching English: Risks, opportunities, prospects. SSRN.
Join this session:
Registration Jan. 5-11, 2025
For participants to join this session:
To register, go to (URL):
Enroll in; use the join code LT3FWX