WEEK 8: JeeYoung Lee
**Posts are in order from a 'start to finish' sequence**
Please turn in your artwork from the previous classes
Here is the link to do that! You may turn in multiple artworks within one submission :)
Thanks guys!
Week 8, Day 1
Today we will be learning about JeeYoung Lee, an artist that creates dreamlike landscapes using metaphor and symbols within space
This is the powerpoint that has been used for the whole presentation. You can follow along, as day 1 and 2 are included in it!
Artist Handout
If you would like some more information on the artist and what we're doing, please look at this handout!
Artist videos
I've included the video we watched in class as well as a video I made on my own that goes over everything more in depth
These are the terms we went over in class. Make sure to know them!
Symbol: When one object or thing stands in the place of something else, such as an idea, another object, a person, or a place.
An example of a symbol could be a dove with a branch, meaning peace.
Metaphor: A comparison which is not literally true. It suggests what something is like by comparing it with something else with similar characteristics.
An example of a metaphor could be the phrase 'She was a dove'. She wasn't really a dove, but she was peaceful and kind similar to how a dove is seen as.
Space: The distances or areas around, between, and within the parts of a piece. Space can be positive or negative, open or closed, shallow or deep, and two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
- Another easier definition is: space is the area around, above, and within an object
Teacher Example
Here is my example for the doodle within the slides!
Week 8, Day 2
This is the last class, where we will be making a diorama with any materials that you'd like!
Teacher Example Video
You can watch or follow along with this video!
Teacher Example
This is the finished example! Make sure to color ALL SIDES and add things anywhere! I added string from the ceiling to look like white clouds