WEEK 4: Hank Willis Thomas
*** Posts are in order from a "start to finish" sequence ***
WEEK 4, DAY 1:
This week, we will be learning about Hank Willis Thomas and what he explores in his artwork. Please think about how he explores themes of identity, race, and popular culture throughout our lesson!
Artist Handout (INTRO)
Feel free to look at this handout that briefly goes over Hank Willis Thomas. Please read this on your own time, but we will go over some of it in class!
You also have a physical copy of this handout. 😊

Artist Video (In depth)
In this video, we will go more in depth with Hank Willis Thomas. As you view the video/images, please be ready to answer some questions!
What do you see? What do you know?
Think about this quote in relation to our artist: “The stories that are told about the people in pictures really determine the way we understand history, and the world.” What do you think this means with what you know now?

Please keep these vocabulary words in mind as we talk about what Hank Willis Thomas is trying to talk about in his artwork!
Conceptual Art: Presenting an artwork that considers the idea and theme (concept) the most important aspect of the work.
Collage: A piece of art made by sticking different materials (magazines, images, photos, etc.) onto a surface
Layer: Covering a surface with multiple materials on top of each other
Representation: A description of someone or something as being a particular way
Stereotype: An image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that people follow or believe
Social Justice: Equality of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society
Civil Rights: The political and social freedom, equality, and rights of citizens/people
Brainstorming! Let's Sketch!
After learning about Hank Willis Thomas, let's start brainstorming ideas for your project! Please answer these questions as you brainstorm ideas that can represent who you are.
What does identity mean to you? How will you convey a powerful message to represent yourself?
How would you want to be included in history? How would you want others to view you?
Take out your journal/sketchbook and something to write/draw with! You can use pens, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, anything you can think of to explore themes with your materials.
As you think about the questions listed above, feel free to list or draw anything that represents you, your interests, culture, identity, environment, etc. You will be using these ideas for our project!
Going back to Charity White's lesson, think about the space you are in. Look around your room to find anything that can tell about who you are!
Collect any materials to use for the next class. Look through the construction paper, magazines pages, and found materials to use!
Have fun everyone!
Week 4, Day 2:
We will be starting our project in relation to our featured artist, Hank Willis Thomas.
This powerpoint is what we went through in class, which includes a brief recap of our artist and an introduction to our project. You can either follow the powerpoint, or just the class site.
Demonstration Video/Example
We will be starting our collage project, the Identity Magazine! This video will guide you through the process, giving you suggestions and ideas on what you can do for your project. Remember, this project is all about you and how you want to represent yourself!
Construction paper
Magazines or images
Glue (glue bottle or glue stick)
Drawing materials: pens, markers, colored pencils, tempera paint sticks

Upload Your Project!
Once you finish your collage project, please take a picture and turn it in by Monday, October 26th. Feel free to just take a picture of your collage, or even take a picture with your collage to represent who YOU are!
Use the google form below to turn in your project. Ms. Alarcon and the rest of the teachers are excited to know all of you a little better! 😊