Saga 49262


Regardless of the horrors Saga faced while hunted by the dark spirits Meelanik and Sivoganik he is a very optimistic and life loving young toki. After a traumatic death and an afterlife on the run he intends to take every day he's been blessed with with a smile. However, because Saga has experienced what he considers to be the worst possible circumstance he can often come off ignorant to other's issues. It's not meant maliciously, and he still has a lot to learn since being adopted by Taktuq and his new family.


Saga can remember almost everything from his past except for his name, or so he claims.

He was too young to be away from his mother at his time of death, but old enough to start to explore and develop a love for the life around him. Most of all, he loved the stars and the moon and the tales he remembers his mother telling him to get him to sleep. His mother was as beautiful as the sunrise to him, but his father was another story. He was a tired and mean sort of tokota and didnt much care for Saga or his mother. In the end, it was his father who caused his, and his mother's, demise.

He lured them into a gorge and left them there, knowing migrating moose would be stampeding through from the valley into the forest for the season change. Little Saga and his mother stood no chance against their heavy hooves. Saga's spirit lingered as he searched for his mother in the gorge, but she had already been ushered away to the stars while Saga took his time waking up. He was lost, alone, hurt, and scared.

Then countless eyes were upon him, the monstrous tongue of Sivoganik ensnaring him and carrying him away. The dark spirit had come to collect him for the devourer himself, Meelanik. Sivoganik explained to him that because Sikrinerk hadn't come to claim his spirit first that his fate was in the maws of Meelanik. But Saga refused to accept that. He slipped free and, using all his energy, flew and flew until he couldn't anymore.

Saga spent a very long time hiding from the dark spirits that were after his soul, so long that the days and months blurred. He spent his days hidden among the trees of the dense forest, avoiding even the light spirits that tried to approach him. He didnt want to be taken anywhere, he wanted to stay.

When Taktuq appeared in his timeless world with Nagruk he was not pleased. But even if he wanted to flee into the trees something drew him in to the mortal tokota. He felt different. Saga couldn't put it into words the aura he picked up from Taktuq, but it felt safe. It felt like the stars. It felt like his mother. Saga hadnt noticed he was floating closer and closer to Taktuq until it was too late. He bumped the glittering lantern and was sucked into it's confines.

Despite all of his protests and attempts to shatter the off white glass Saga was undeniably trapped for the first time since his death, and he didnt like it one bit. Taktuq explained what was asked of him as they traveled to find the spirit who requested his help in the labyrinth and the name Sikrinerk stuck out instantly. Sikrinerk had asked someone to seek him out? He had spent his lonely afterlife hiding from other spirits unless they were lesser ones, too afraid to be forced into the stars or Meelanik's belly by the greater spirits.

After Taktuq made a massive blunder five steps into their final task, Saga was freed from the lantern and took it upon himself to find his way back to the entrance. But the mortal tokota was quicker than he anticipated and easily caught up with him, but unlike Saga expected he didn't react with anger or aggression. Instead he was asked to return to him. Saga had never been asked kindly to do something by anyone but his mother. The simple gesture opened up an entire bridge of trust for Saga to cross, and he returned himself into the cracked open lantern. He remained inside, knowing he was free to enter and exit at will.

Taktuq took him on the biggest adventure he could have ever dreamed of over the course of only a few hours as they made their way through the strange rooms. Aga, the large and beautiful diety he had only admired from afar, gifted them a rose for helping what they assumed was an abandoned pup. Taktuq faced a frightening shadow beast in a world that wasnt quite right with just his imagination. And then they found the graveyard. Seeing his own name on a worn wooden cross was almost enough for Saga to have a full blown breakdown.

He was alone, forgotten among the other faded tombstones who did have offerings unlike his own grave. No one knew he had died. No one had cared he hadnt been able to live the life he was promised. And once he was taken by the darkness or thrown into the cold sky that was the end of his story.

But then Taktuq promised him something. He promised that no matter what happened at the end of their partnership that he would remember him. Then he placed the beautiful rose on his supposed grave. Even after Sivoganik appeared to taunt and mock the pair Taktuq promised to Saga again that there would be someone left to remember him, and that someone would be him.

Their journey finally ended in front of the entrance to a large shrine. Sikrinerk waited for them and if Saga had a beating heart it would be leaping into his throat. She looked just like the evening sky and her gaze comforted him ever so slightly. But towering over her was Meelanik, licking his sets of jaws as they asked Taktuq to choose who held Saga's fate. But after a shared look of understanding Taktuq smiled at him. "I'm sorry Sikrinerk, but I cant give this soul to you."

As expected, neither deity was pleased when Taktuq tried to pass to enter Aippaq's shrine. But when Meelanik jumped to swallow them both, Sikrinerk came to their aid. Saga cowered in Taktuq's fur, too afraid to see who would win, but Aippaq himself came like a bolt of lightening and halted their fight.

Once things had calmed, Aippaq made his proposal. Saga was offered a second chance. He was almost too afraid to be hopeful, but then Taktuq granted the wish he had been aching for for so long. And best of all, he called him family.

Saga returned to Taktuq's home with him, bright white with glittering runes on his fur, but it didnt take long for his appearance to change. He wanted to be like the night sky just before dawn, like how Sikrinerk was like a sunset. And so thats what he became. His fur took on a dark lilac hue sprinkled with flecks that mimic the stars he had missed gazing at.

Since growing accustomed to his new body, Saga has started to realize he contains a very strange set of powers. Not only is he able to sense dark spirits, but he can give off an aura of comfort and joy that effects others as well. He can also shift forms into a XXXX with enough concentration.

Sikrinerk has recently taken to spending bonding time with Saga, teaching him how to herd the small dark spirits into her domain. But every so often, he swears he can see a set of green eyes watching him from the darkness.

Need to stop feeling like my life is such a mess, Because the world has got me in it, Its my time and I should live it!

Bonded: No
AoAs: No

Overall Total: --- HP
Tribe of ElkHaven Achievements

Submissive - Average

Reborn Average

Average - Dominant

67 / 250

Total = 13
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +1(200 WC) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +1(1 companion)

Total = 13
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +1(200 WC) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +1(1 companion)

Total = 15
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +1(200 WC) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +2(starter) +1(1 companion)

Total = 14
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show) +4(1st place)

Total = 2
2(fb colored)

Total = 2
2(fb colored)

Total = 8
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(PL explore)

Dominant - Alpha

306 / 300

Additional HP


Breeding Slots


































































Alpha Requirements