

Everything was a blur of white fur, gun shots, and shouting and if Sailuk hadnt been stunned he would have fought the tugging at his heavy coat hood. It was only seconds before he was dropped onto a hard and cold floor, practically crying from the mess of emotions he had never felt before. He never ever felt scared for his own life like in that moment. And once his vision cleared he was face to face with the bright, intelligent blue eyes of a tokota. And it licked him. Ever since he was old enough to speak his parents ingrained in him that these beasts were dangerous. Livestock killers. Man killers. That they would turn on their so called handlers for no reason other than because they could. Many poachers from his section of Black Pines specialized in taking care of the tokotas who made their way too close to their land, as well as their so called handlers.
And now one was staring him down. His mind went into survival mode, and for him that was screaming and moving away as fast as he could manage. But the cave wall stopped him and instead of getting away like he wanted he instead collapsed against it and started crying in fear. He was sure he was about to die. But instead of snarling and teeth digging into his jacket, a womans voice reached his ears above his cries. Sailuk was calmed enough to open his eyes, uncurl, and sit up. It was a woman close to his age who was speaking to him, and he learned her name as well as her tokotas. Aputi and Taktuq. They had been trying to map out a migration path for a herd of deer they were following and found themselves entering Black Pine territory on accident, where they were chased farther in and shot at by a poaching party. Taktuq had been shot multiple times, and he learned that Taktuq chose to grab him and carry him with them because if he hadnt, the bullets would have hit him instead.
Seeing how Taktuq allowed Aputi to remove the bullets from his shoulder and haunches and then bandage him up without so much as a growl or snap in her direction made the ingrained fear that Tokotas were loose cannons start to curl up at the edges. Watching the two interact with each other was, in Sailuks opinion, incredible. He had never seen anyone connect to an animal like Aputi did to Taktuq. He craved that kind of connection. His life consisted of Atshen’s toxic and mean manipulation and his friends taunting and abuse, his father never spoke to him anymore, and he still caught town members talking about him. These animals didnt belong in Black Pines, and neither did he,
But when Aputi invited Sailuk to return to her new starting tribe with her he refused. He couldnt just up and leave his father or Atshen...could he? Sailuk helped Aputi and Taktuq out of Black Pines without being seen and returned home, Atshen and his friends boasting about the tokota and savage handler they shot at earlier. Sailuk couldnt get the two out of his mind for the next few days. He craved what he saw between Aputi and Taktuq, and Aputi had shown him more kindness in an hour than some people he had known for years ever did. He decided to leave in the middle of the night, only a note left for Atshen and his father, and set off down the trail he watched Aputi and Taktuq take to return home.
He wandered for hours before finally being found by the giant piebald tokota he had helped before.

The Main Team

Frosty - Main

Sugar Rush - Second

Explorer, Companion Hunter

Peaches - Third

Rocher - Fourth
Big Game Hunter

Other Tokotas