Rank 1 - Novice Tamer

Excellent AoA
Take it All Away

Weekly Quest

Lonely Hearts Club

Everyone's all riled up about Tokotines, but for some reason one of your Tokotas is feeling a bit disconnected and distanced from everyone else. Has something driven a wedge between them and one of their closest friends, or maybe they're just having a rough time finding someone to talk to? Maybe they just need a break to do some self-reflection. Depict your Tokota(s) experiencing a moment of loneliness; feel free to elaborate how they got to that point, and/or how they overcome it, if they manage to do so.

Find 3 Treats via Exploration
Treat 1
Treat 2
Treat 3

Favorite Wild Heart / Mediator

AVS Cupun 21118

Complete one taming attempt

Royce WM214