
Mr. Frazier

Physical Education

Learning Pamphlet

PE At Home Daily Workout

Week 1: August 23 to August 29, 2020

Week 2: August 30 to September 5, 2020

Week 3: September 6 to September 12, 2020

Have fun and stay healthy,

Mr. Frazier

Ms. Weatherwax

Important Link: EBS Library

Here is a video to help.

Library Video


Hello Everyone,

I really miss all of you, students and staff. I hope everyone is doing well during this time. I’ve been busy trying to help teachers with different programs, information and locating reading resources. Our school has ebooks available for students to read and I did a little video for everyone on how to get access to more books and reading material. Our EBS password/login to PERMABOUND EBOOKS is guests. Everyone take care and I hope to see you soon.


Ms. Weatherwax

Mr. Brown



I want to reach out and say “Hello!” to everyone. When I taught music class through my

Group Facebook page, I encouraged students to go outdoors and look at the sky, the grass,

trees or flowers. And I’d remind them that we hear music everywhere- in the sound of the wind,

the birds and crickets, even cars and trucks. And indoors too- sounds of cooking, cleaning, talking.

All the sounds at home are actually “music”. Music at home.

Well, now it’s time to start doing Mr. Brown’s Music at Home- and it’s online at YouTube.

Just go to YouTube.com and in the search bar type: Eva B Stokely music. Or go to: Eva B Stokely Elementary website, classrooms (dropdown) and click specials.

Link to Mr. Brown's YouTube videos here:

Week 1:  August 24 to August 29

Music class with Mr. B!

music video:  Dance, Dance, Dance

music video:  Plant a Tree

Week 2: August 31 to September 5

new Music Class with Mr. B! 

music video:  Feeling Jazzy

Each week I’ll include a special EBS Music Video where I will be teaching students how to sing

the songs, clap rhythms and play fun musical games. And I’ll play music on my piano featuring

“The Composer of the Week”.

There will also be separate sing along videos, so once you learn the song, you can play the sing

along music videos- and sing along! Get creative- when you do Mr. Frazier’s PE at Home exercises

(Aug. 26-Sept 11), count and jump in rhythm when you do jumping jacks, or do jumping jacks to the

music! So please check out Mr. Brown’s Music at Home. And have fun!

Navajo Language

Ms. L. Begay, K-5 Bilingual Navajo Teacher is working by phone contact and email. Moderate reading in Navajo and fundamental worksheets will be sent to students each week through parent email. I encourage parents/grandparents/guardians to speak the Navajo language to their children, no matter how little or how much you know. Use it for communication, it is a gift from our creator.
