The Voice of the Heroes and the Heroines

In today's world, it is seen that the Generation Z does not know the heroes and heroines of their own culture or they have very little knowledge. We prepared our project in order to draw attention to this issue, to get to know our heroes and heroines better, to search for their success stories, to be inspired by them and to raise the teenagers’ hopes for the future. We will enable our students to introduce our heroes and heroines through different activities by using Web 2.0 tools efficiently and improving English language skills. Together with our local and foreign partners, we aim to meet on a common ground by sharing what our heroes and heroines have given us and to encourage students' interest in learning about other cultures. 

Studying history helps us understand how events in the past made things the way they are today. With lessons from the past, we not only learn about ourselves and how we came to be, but also develop the ability to avoid mistakes and create better paths for our societies.


To study history is to study change: historians are experts in examining and interpreting human identities and transformations of societies and civilizations over time. They use a range of methods and analytical tools to answer questions about the past and to reconstruct the diversity of past human experience: how profoundly people have differed in their ideas, institutions, and cultural practices; how widely their experiences have varied by time and place, and the ways they have struggled while inhabiting a shared world. Historians use a wide range of sources to weave individual lives and collective actions into narratives that bring critical perspectives on both our past and our present. Studying history helps us understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has shaped (and continues to shape) global, national, and local relationships between societies and people. (

Studying History Helps To Understand the Present

Understanding history helps us to understand the present and predict the future. It gives us an insight into how different societies have evolved, why some societies have been successful, and others failed and how cultures influence each other.

Through a study of history, we can understand why certain events have happened and gain an understanding of the current political and social issues.

This helps us to appreciate how different cultures have developed over time and how they can co-exist in the present day. For instance, we can learn about the ancient Greeks and Romans, who introduced new concepts of democracy, philosophy, art and science.

 It Makes Us More Aware Of Social Issues

Studying history helps us to become more aware of social issues in order to make informed decisions. We can gain a better understanding of how governments and societies have developed over time and the impact this has had on different people.

By studying history, we can gain insight into how social issues have evolved and why certain policies or laws have been implemented. We can also learn about the consequences of these changes in order to shape our own opinions.

Studying History Develops Critical Thinking Skills

Studying history helps to develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for solving problems and making decisions. The subject encourages students to ask questions and analyze different perspectives, which can help them to think more creatively when tackling new challenges.

Through the study of history, students can learn how to think independently and make rational judgments. This is a valuable skill that can be applied in many aspects of life.

Studying History Appreciate Diversity

Studying history helps us to appreciate diversity in all its forms. We learn about the contributions people from different backgrounds have made throughout history and gain an understanding of how this has shaped our society today.

For instance, we can learn about the civil rights movement and gain a better understanding of why certain laws were implemented to ensure equality between different people.

This helps us to appreciate how far we have come and how far we still need to go in order to create a more diverse and inclusive society.

Studying History Develops Research Skills

Studying history helps to develop research skills, as students need to conduct extensive research in order to complete their assignments and exams. This requires them to search for reliable sources of information and use evidence-based arguments when making conclusions.

These skills are highly valuable and can be applied to many different situations in life, such as job interviews and presentations. Having good research skills is essential for any successful career path. (



Project Rules

No project can succeed without the efforts of a project team. Regardless of who is on a project team and how many members it has, the project will not meet deliverables and deadlines unless the group acts as a high-functioning team.

Creating Expected Behaviors

Project teams are more likely to realize results if they establish straightforward behaviors directly related to improving team dynamics. It is also important to create measurable behaviors so that staff can easily be held accountable.

Expected Behaviors

The set of expected behaviors that have universal appeal to project teams are:

·        Treat others with dignity and respect

·        Support and promote intra- and inter-departmental teamwork

·        Understand and consider the needs and impacts of your own work on others

·        Demonstrate an ability to problem-solve and make timely decisions

·        Actively seek and receive feedback for improvement

·        Consistently share knowledge and information


Teachers - Kick of meeting

Students introducing themselves

Presenting our school

Becoming the voice of the heroes and heroines in our culture. Promoting our heritage.

Students' meeting. 

The students have shared about their cultural heritage.

PITL Onisifor Ghibu LOGO

Celebrating eTwinning