Don't DATE

Mission of the project:

The mission of the project is:

a) to meet the educational requirements of students and society;

b) to develop the students' potential to ensure quality of life, educational growth, and welfare;

c) to develop the national culture and promote cultural diversity;

d) to promote the intercultural dialogue, spirit of tolerance, non-discrimination and social inclusion;

e) to promote lifelong learning;

The educational ideal of the project is the formation of a personality with an initiative spirit, capable of self-development, who has not only the necessary knowledge and competences to make good decisions but is independent of opinion and action, being open for intercultural dialogue in the context of assumed national and universal values.


(1) The project has as its main outcome the establishment of an upright character and development of a system of competences, including knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, which allow for students' active participation in social life.

(2) The project aims to train the following key competences:

a) communication in the English language;

b) skills in science and technology;

c) digital skills;

d) capacity to learn how to learn;

e) social and civic competences;

f) entrepreneurship and spirit of initiative competences;

g) competences of cultural expression and conscience of cultural values.

Starting a healthy lifestyle can involve eating nutritious foods, engaging in regular physical activity, and prioritizing your mental health.

1. Healthy habits can reduce the risk of various diseases, including those that may run in your family.

2. It’s always smart to see your primary care physician for an annual physical exam. This is especially true seeing how some health conditions, such as high blood pressure, are “silent.” This means they don’t have any symptoms, so unless you are checked, you usually don’t know you have the condition.

3. Basic healthy habits are connected with living a longer life. 


Consider the following tips for beginning to improve your overall health.

1. Eat more vegetables

2. Swap in whole grains

3. Be more active

4. Maintain friendships

5. Control stress

 In general, most would agree that a healthy person doesn’t smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats a balanced healthy diet, thinks positively, feels relaxed, exercises regularly, has good relationships, and benefits from a good life balance.

Our first online meeting!

The first meeting was for us to agree on work plans that would monitor meetings and coordination with students that record the review and adaptation of the initial approaches. We decided on completing the padlets on teachersț introduction, studentsț introduction as well as eSafety.

Our second online meeting!

Our second meeting  included a plan that would involve activities that would make students interact, communciate and collaborate towards our common goal that would lead to a final joint product. Our activities were set to be organizaed in multinational teams. 

Students' introduction

Our students used a padlet to write about themselves, their likes or dislikes, pets, or any other information that they wanted to share with their international partners. 

Our students prepared Canva presentations on understanding the importance of being safe online.

Be safe online!

GDPR, Copyright and Safety issues. We addressed the protected personal information in the bproject that would be password protected. We set clear rules about online collaboration that we established for all project members. We also addressed the copyright license conditions relating to the files, images, and videos used are respected.

Be safe online!

Our School! Students prepared a video in form of a documentary to show their school to our partners. 

Our project Logos

Our logos are the result of the collaboration of students from partner schools and individual contributions were interwoven. Students used ICT tools to fit the purpose of creating the project logo. Canva was used to meet the project goal. Canva is an accessible tool to use. 

Logos done by PITL Onisifor Ghibu students

Logos done by PITL Onisifor Ghibu students

Logos done by PITL Onisifor Ghibu students

Logos done by PITL Onisifor Ghibu students

Task distribution

We created a document to keep up with the project work so as to manage the tasks on time. 

Pre project Survey

Our pre survey was set to meet the project SMART objectives. 

Parental permission

We paid attetnion to having parental consent and updated parents with the ongoing process of the project as to keep parents informed on the project activities process.

Project dissemination

Much attention was based on bringing awareness to the community of eTwinners and not only on the project goals and its objectives. We encouraged teachers to look at the project as curricular integration on the subject and to create activities that would derive from curricular objectives and contents on different subjects. 

Web Tools

We have used a variety of pedagogical methods that would encourage active, autonomous learning. The students became the actors in the process of learning and creating the products. We managed to combine new and creative pedagogical methods and techniques to achive our goals.

Our project is to use tools that have been promoted at the Danube Region sessions in June. 

Our teachers have promoted the project and the usage of tools to manage a successful project.


Survio, mentimeter, word cloud, Kahoot!, quizizz, google forms, wakalet, socrative, quizlet, studystuck, artsteps, podcasts, audacity, genailly, canva, madmags, bookcreator, chat GPT, midjourney, dalek, wordwall, toonme, padlet scratch

Pre project survey results

Pre project survey results

Pre project survey results

Pre project survey results

Pre project survey results

Pre project survey results

Our students had to prepare presentations structured as follows:


Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Don't Date presentations

Students' conference, part 2

Students' conference, part 2

Logos by our partners

Logos by our partners

Logos by our partners

Logos by our partners


At our conference our students presented their findings on causes and solutions to addiction. Our presentations and discussions have led to a resolution.



The resolution outcomes are the result of collaboration between our partners and different subjects (biology, chemistry, personal development, physical education, computer science). The teacher sin the project monitored and planned the multi-aspectual learning and creation of multidisciplinary products that took the form of an analysis and observation aspect resolution. 

Promoting the project and disseminating the project ideas has become a priority for the teacher sin the project.



Cernei Kristina

Profesoară de limbă engleză, MAFLE,

IPLT „Onisifor Ghibu”, Chișinău

Ambasadoare eTwinning

Curriculum național este structurat astfel încât programele şi materialele de informare privind promovarea sănătăţii şi educaţia pentru sănătate să fie implementate în școli la discreția administrației, profesorilor la clasă și a diriginților. Astfel elevii și elevele participă în proiecte locale, instituționale, naționale și internaționale.

Scopul proiectului eTwinning „Don’t DATE” este de a obține succese în schimbarea și menținerea comportamentelor sănătoase la toate etapele vieții, urmând recomandările privind guvernarea cadrului European de politici al OMS, Sănătatea 2020. Este important de a menționa că promovarea acțiunilor comune de sănătate prin coordonare și colaborare adecvată este esențială pentru desfășurarea acțiunilor de promovare a sănătății.

În cadrul proiectului „Don’t DATE” am realizat campanii de comunicare și de schimbare a comportamentului prin realizarea prezentărilor informative ( ) și distribuirea lor prin crearea relațiilor de parteneriat transdisciplinar – limba engleză, educație fizică, biologie la nivel local ( ) precum și la nivel internațional în cadrul conferinței internaționale ale proiectului eTwinning „Don’t DATE” ( ). Scopul conferinței și a campaniei de conștientizare a fost de a distribui informații cu privire la următoarele subiecte:



1. What are the main causes of depression that might lead to the usage of drugs?

2. What do drugs do to your brain and body?

3. How addictive is alcohol?

4. Do you know any famous people, writers, sports starts who have used drugs and could have ruined their careers or even ruined them?

5. Who can help people who suffer from drug addiction in your country? Are there any international organizations that can help?


1. What are the main causes of depression that might lead to the usage of alcohol?

2. What does alcohol do to your brain and body?

3. How addictive is alcohol?

4. Do you know any famous people, writers, sports starts who have used alcohol and could have ruined their careers or even ruined them?

5. Who can help people who suffer from alcohol addiction in your country? Are there any international organizations that can help?


1. What are the main causes of depression that might lead to the usage of technology?

2. What does technology do to your brain and body?

3. How addictive is technology?

4. Do you know any famous people, writers, sports starts who have used technologyand could have ruined their careers or even ruined them?

5. Who can help people who suffer from technology addiction in your country? Are there any international organizations that can help?


1. What are the main causes of depression that might lead to the usage of energy drinks?

2. What do energy drinks do to your brain and body?

3. How addictive is alcohol?

4. Do you know any famous people, writers, sports starts who have used energy drinks and could have ruined their careers or even ruined them?

5. Who can help people who suffer from energy drinks addiction in your country? Are there any international organizations that can help?

 Cadrele didactice implicate în proiect au încurajat elevii și elevele să realizeze prezentări cu ajutorul instrumentului Canva, și/sau Genially prin care să promoveze schimbări de comportamente strategic planificate, adaptate vârstei şi nevoilor elevilor și elevelor pentru reducerea poverii evitabile a dependențelor tinerilor. Prezentările au descoperit necesitatea actualizării curriculumului de instruire şi educaţie continuă a specialiștilor din sănătate și educație în promovarea sănătății și comunicarea riscurilor precum și fortificarea capacităţilor coordonării activităților şi responsabilizării referitor la activitățile de promovare a sănătății în contextul educației formale și non formale ( )

Este demn de menționat și ideea elaborării unui ghid pentru elevi și eleve în cunoașterea acțiunilor de asistența medicală primară în caz de recunoașterea a semnelor de dependență precum și instrumente de oferire a unui ajutor privind aspectele de comunicare pentru schimbarea comportamentului la nivel de individ. Tinerii și tinerele de la conferință au concretizat de nenumărate ori absoluta necesitate de a dezvolta programe de instruire pentru părinți, tineri, social media și alți actori civici cu privire la promovarea sănătății și prevenirea dependenței DATE.

Rezoluția conferinței a oferit posibilitatea de a auzi ideile participanților:

Proiectul eTwinning „Don’t DATE” poate fi vizualizat pe site-ul Acest proiect este  centrat pe înțelegerea efectului unei dependențe asupra stării fizice și psihice și cum DATE ar putea distruge toate aspectele vieții unei persoane. Elevii și elevele participante au menționat cum pe măsură ce dependența se accentuează, satisfacerea nevoii resimțite devine mai importantă decât orice alte activități, cândva normale și dezirabile. Exemplele găsite și prezentate de către elevi au demonstrat că oricine poate deveni dependent precum și cât curaj și forță interioară este necesară pentru a putea confruntă o dependență. Prezentările în cadrul conferinței au stipulat și efectul dependenței DATE atât asupra persoanei vizate, cât și asupra celor din jur.

Proiectul „Don’t DATE” demonstrează necesitatea abordării subiectului dependenței în rândul tinerilor pentru a putea promova modul sănătos de viață iar în caz de clacare, să se cunoască că orice dependență poate fi depășită cu sprijinul acordat de către ceilalți în procesul de recuperare; familia, prietenii, alte persoane care suferă de același tip de dependență.

OUR MOTTOS! Students  have come up with mottos for the project in order to promote a healthy lifestyle


Out students created mottos that would focus on promoting well-being and self-confidence in order to not get addicted to DATE.

Our Mottos on IdeaBoardz


Our project had a post survey were more than 200 students particiaped from the schools in our partnership. We had an insight into understanding the DATE addiction on our students and it got surprising results where we observed that most students consider importnat to pay attetnion to technology and energy drinks abuse as these are not taken into account when speaking about addictions. We could also see according to the resutls of the survey that students need more projects on promoting well-being, appreciation, gratitude and respect.

Our teachers and students ambassadors have received certificates of participation and achievement in order to appreciate their input in the project.