Kick off meeting!

Working hard and planning!

Students introducing themselves

Activities planned for May and June:

May 2023


- "What do I mean by environmental protection?" - pre-test/ survey.


- Project Logo - selecting the most appreciated logo.

-"Small deeds, big targets" - creating presentations, videos, posters etc. in international teams on different topics related to carbon footprint: air/ land/ water/ food/ sedentary life carbon footprint - causes, effects, measures for environmental sustainability. The project results will be presented during an online meeting of students. 


June 2023

- "5th of June - creating posters, animations, voice recordings with educational messages for environmental protection, such as: "I collect waste selectively!", "I don't waste water!", "I ride a bicycle instead of driving a car!"

-"Our Footprint" - magazine containing articles about reducing the carbon footprint.


- Post-test and Evaluation report

Presenting our school!

Let's be safe online!

Students' online meeting

Andrusca Alexandrina, 11th grade

It is well known that nowadays, a lot of animals are in danger of disappearing from our planet due to a lot of natural factors, as the human influence too. Everything can be changed if humans start to take into consideration the importance of animals on this planet.

To begin with, researchers have shown that Australia is one of the continents with a major rate of animals which are in danger due to the enormous fire which was spread down to the forests causing the disappearing of plenty of species of koalas and kangaroos. Therefore, the people’s top priority now is to protect the habitats of these animals, as preventing the Australian forests from remaining unpopulated by the end of 2080.

Furthermore, organizing a  fund and volunteering in different organizations may be a solution in order to help the countries which are at risk of losing some of their species of animals. Promoting these events will help raising the necessary amount of money for countries that need to protect their habitats.

In conclusion, I think that humans should make the biggest change in preventing our planet from losing its beautiful creatures.

Rosca Cristan, 11th grade

On our planet many animals are in danger of disappearing, the question is: should we save them or not?

First of all there are numerous kinds of animals that are in danger like big mammals and reptiles. Humans are hunting them because they contain something that would make them rich.

Secondly, playing a crucial role in their ecosystems and helping to maintain the balance of nature we should protect them.  For example, bees are essential pollinators that help to fertilize plants and ensure the production of many of the foods we eat. Also, many of these animals have cultural and spiritual significance for locals.

Thirdly, by raising the awareness about the issue, we can protect these animals. Many people are not realizing the impact of their action on the animals. By creating a culture of conservation we could educate and inform people about the issue and we could involve more people in protecting these animals.

To sum up, animals in danger of disappearing are a problem that needs to be discussed worldwide.

In addition, I think that together we can help all those animals that are in danger.  

Budaca Romina,  11th grade

Animals have always been a crucial part of nature. Nonetheless, a lot of species are in danger of disappearing due to pollution, people should make amends in order to save them.

To start with, a wide range of animals ranging from mammals to insects are  thought to disappear as an outcome of human activities. Not only because of haunting, but also because of deforestation many animals, especially the ones that live in forests tend to die. Hence, our responsibility as inhabitants of this planet is to protect these animals. If a specific animal disappears, the whole ecosystem will have to suffer, disturbing food chain. Besides, the lack of one insect, could result in people having a loss in their daily activities: no bees, no production and/or consumption of honey.

Moreover, by solving what has been mentioned above, other issues like global warming, will get reasonable solutions  as well. Therefore, as all things are interconnected , we could kill two birds with one stone by solving only one.

To sum up, the results will make up for every effort done, as the protection of animals is a problem of the utmost importance.

End of the project meeting

Our common product, the Magazine.pdf



Cernei Kristina 

IPLT „Onisifor Ghibu” 

Chișinău, Republica Moldova 

Învățarea în bază de proiecte eTwinning este nu doar despre dezvoltarea competențelor de alfabetizare digitală, mediatică și informațională pentru că putem observa că devine o premisă a secolului 21 de a dezvolta competențele de gândire critică și soluționare a problemelor, creativitate și inovație, sau comunicare și colaborare. Mai mult decât atât, este important să menționăm că însușirile personale în domeniul carierei și vieții precum dezvoltarea abilităților de flexibilitate, adaptabilitate, inițiativă și pro-activitate, interacțiune socială și interculturală, responsabilitate, leadership și responsabilitate socială devin o prioritate în promovarea valorilor de către sistemul educațional. 

Astfel, a fost conceput proiectul eTwinning „No More Carbon Footprint”, care poate fi accesat pe acest site, cu scopul de a extinde campania de conștientizare cu privire la rezervele de hrană, apă potabilă, petrol care au dus la o secătuire a resurselor și la degradarea mediului înconjurător. Proiectul a avut drept obiectiv expunerea elevilor la rapoartele privind starea îngrijorătoare a mediului înconjurător, astfel ei făcând cunoștință cu datele ce țin de spațiile împădurite care se reduc, deșeurile cum se extind, solurile agricole care degradează, stratul de ozon se subțiază și desigur numeroasele specii de animale și plante care sunt pe cale de dispariție. Putem confirma că proiectul a antrenat competențele elevilor multidisciplinar prin aplicarea lor la investigațiile tematice din punctul de vedere ale cunoștințelor la disciplinele școlare precum biologia, geografia, fizica, chimia și altele. Mai mult decât, elevii nu doar au realizat cercetări prin utilizarea resurselor digitale, dar au și raportat elevilor, au scris eseuri la orele de clasă, dar au și participat la conferința organizată de partenerii din proiect. 

Elevii au lucrat în echipe și au făcut prezentări tematice. Fiecare grup de elevi a avut temă diferită în baza căreia au realizat prezentări. 

Grupul unu, tema Air Carbon Footprint, au răspuns la următoarele întrebări: 

1. What do you understand by AIR carbon footprint? 

2. What causes the air carbon footprint? 

3. Which are the effects of air pollution? 

4. What can we do to minimize air carbon footprint? 

Grupul doi, tema Land Carbon Footprint

1. What do you understand by LAND carbon footprint? 

2. What causes the land carbon footprint? 

3. Which are the effects of wrong land-use systems? 

4. What can we do to minimize land carbon footprint? 

Grupul trei, tema Water Carbon Footprint

1. What do you understand by water carbon footprint? 

2. What causes the water carbon footprint? 

3. Which are the effects of water pollution? 

4. What can we do to minimize water carbon footprint? 

Grupul patru, tema Food Carbon Footprint, Food Sustainability

1. What do you understand by FOOD carbon footprint? 

2. What causes the carbon footprint when talking about food? 

3. Which are the effects of food waste and food processing? 

4. Can you give some hints for reducing FOOD’s carbon footprint? 

Grupul cinci, tema Environmental Cycling

1. What do you understand by Environmental cycling and sedentary life carbon footprint? 

2. What causes the sedentary life carbon footprint? 

3. Which are the effects of wrong use that causes Environmental pollution? 

4. What can we do to minimize sedentary life carbon footprint? 

Grupul șase, tema Urban Carbon Footprint

1. How does metropolitan areas affect the environment? 

2. What causes most carbon footprints in urban areas? 

3. What can be done to reduce carbon footprint in urban areas? 

În baza cercetărilor făcute de elevi, informațiile au fost prezentate în cadrul conferinței și ulterior toate prezentările au fost compilate în revista – produsul proiectului „No More Carbon Footprint”

Proiectul a realizat obiectivul de a pune accentul pe dezvoltarea multilaterală prin preocuparea elevilor de situația ecologică din lume, de a promova respectul pentru toate ființele vii, de a preveni acțiuni de deteriorare a mediului, de a menține și a găsi soluții de îmbunătățire a calității mediului înconjurător. Este important de a menționa că elevii au ajuns la concluzia că problemele de mediu nu pot fi soluționate fără o colaborare largă la diferite niveluri, locale, comunitare, naționale și internaționale. Pe final de proiect s-a discutat participarea în proiecte educaționale eTwinning cu scopul de a elabora acțiuni de ameliorare și protecție a mediului înconjurător, inclusiv de a dezvolta comportamente și atitudini adecvate în raport cu mediul ambiant. 


IULIE 5, 2023
