Sustainable Development Goals for Wellbeing in the Digital World

Sustainable Development Goals for Wellbeing in Digital World (SDG for WDW)


Global Pandemic Covid-19 impacted our lives and we realized, most than ever, the precious role of Health in all its forms, raising awareness for it, learning good habits for keeping our Mind and Body apart of bad habits and threatens in young ages. Along with this, today 70% of all diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyle and too much Digital time lose: Social Media impact on students, obesity, alcohol abuse, smoking, junk-food, inactivity, stress, bullying acts between youngsters, lack of sleep, meaningless time use are things that damage and erode our body and we wake up in a hospital bed even form young age. The project is intended for students to learn and promote the components of a normal and balanced lifestyle in Covid-19 time. Students will enhance healthy lifestyle during monthly activities. They will develop competences from multidisciplinar approaches focused for Wellbeing in Digital Era, using IT skills, web2.0 tools, improving English, and Collaboration in 21st Century. 

A caption for the photo

The importanace of being well!

Tips for being mentally healthy!


Camping, the best activity ever!

Celebrating eTwinning for diversity!

Sports is life, health and wealth!

Eating in Moldova!