
What is gamification ? 

It's the integration of game elements into non-game contexts, and in education, it has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing learning experiences. By incorporating elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges, gamification can transform traditional educational environments into engaging and motivating spaces for students. 

How does gamification consider Experience Design? 

This approach aligns with principles of experience design, focusing on creating meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences.

Below, you will find a variety of Gamification tools that work for students and educators and how the applications have taken UX into consideration when creating these Gamification tools. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find YouTube videos with a more in-depth description of each application. 


Website :

Best for... Elementary or Secondary educators of all subjects 

Genially is a tool that allows educators to create interactive and gamified content such as presentations, infographics, and quizzes. It integrates game elements like points, challenges, and interactive scenarios to make learning materials more engaging and dynamic.

Genially considers UX through immersive learning opportunities, interactivity and personalization


Website :

Best for... Language students of all ages

Duolingo gamifies language learning with points, levels, and rewards. It offers personalized learning experiences, making language acquisition enjoyable and effective. 

Duolingo considers UX through immersive learning opportunities, interactivity and personalization: 


Website :

Best for... Elementary educators 

Classcraft transforms the classroom into an adventure game, where students earn points for positive behaviors and academic achievements. The game elements promote engagement, collaboration, and a positive classroom environment by integrating narrative and role-playing elements.

Classcraft considers UX through immersive learning opportunities, interactivity and personalization: 


