How many TEFL course hours?

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How many TEFL course hours?

There is a lot of hype out there

About these "hours"...

Online these are fake hours. Some will say you need 100-120 or more hours. But was it a TEFL course provider that said that or an employer?

Always look at the job boards, sometimes that is true but in my experience teaching and living in Korea, Taiwan, China and Japan I never had a "120 hour "certificate and I never had any problem.

I did take a TESOL course prior to Taiwan. But that was 2 days in a classroom and the rest take home. They said the certificate they gave us was 60 hours but it didn't even say that on it. Then if I completed the take home books I could get the 120 hours and it was boring so I quit it.

Essentially all these online courses that say they are 120 or 168 or whatever hours are all copycats of CELTA's model that was actually 120 hours in classroom.

They are look alike courses.

It depends on the school.

Online there are:

  • Synchronous courses

  • Asynchronous courses

All online TEFL course that I have seen are work on your own pace which means there are no scheduled times or "hours".

Later in 2016 I wanted to see what a cheap course was like so I took one on Groupon called a 120 hours and completed it in 8 hours! It's all BS.

But an employer said I need a "120 hour" course or more?

It's possible, but if an employer said that then they are just starting to believe the hype spread by the TEFL course providers. If they made no distinction between online and in-class courses then they are not very informed.

They are just parroting the TEFL course providers.

It's a lie.

Do you want to perpetuate the lies and BS?

I don't.

Learn more about TEFL course hours.

More videos about online TEFL courses