ASSIST Project
Dissemination- events at School and in the school  community          

May 2023 - Europe and eTwinning Day

ASSIST teachers and students join their peers  in EUROPE PARTY , so as to promote and disseminate their learning experiences

Our poster

ASSIST stall



October 2022 - Erasmus Days 

Using Social media and a school padlet to disseminate Erasmus Experiences

March 2022- Week on the Move 

Viterbo mobility - exhibition at school

School exhibition

school exhibition

school exhibition

school exhibition

October 2021 _ Erasmus Days

Special Education Students actively engage in the Erasmus Days by painting the flags of the partner countries and promoting ASSIST Project

ERASMUS DAYS - October 2021

June 2021 - ASSIST WEEK 

13-19 June 2021 - Getting to know a little bit more about ASSIST partner countries, and getting ready for the mobilities in October 2021

Press Release -   Jornal Regional 

Nos meses de maio e junho a Escola Secundária do Cartaxo foi palco de vários eventos desportivos dinamizados pelos docentes e alunos do curso profissional de Desporto e que envolveram os alunos da Unidade de Ensino Especializado do Agrupamento. Estes alunos mostraram a sua bravura e estamina através da prática da escalada, footgolf e acabando com os jogos tradicionais dos pais e avós.

As referidas atividades foram enquadradas no âmbito do projeto “ASSIST” (A Safe Sporty Inclusion for Special Teens), um projeto inclusivo e inovador financiado pelo Programa  Erasmus + e cujo objetivo principal é a integração destes jovens através da prática desportiva e da colaboração em equipa. Trata-se de uma parceria de intercâmbio escolar que inclui alunos da Educação Especial de mais 5 escolas da Europa, Ilhas Canárias, Itália, Letónia, Lituânia e Turquia. Nestes países terão lugar as mobilidades, com vista à prática de várias modalidades desportivas, abrangendo desportos individuais e em equipa, desportos aquáticos, de Inverno, ao ar livre, de montanha e que serão uma oportunidade única para o incremento das competências sociais, interculturais, linguísticas e desportivas dos nossos jovens.

Para além do desporto, durante o mês de junho, os alunos, com a orientação do docente de Restaurante/Bar, testaram e degustaram algumas das especialidades gastronómicas dos vários países parceiros, desde o mojo picón das Canárias às panquecas de batata da Letónia,  aos Tinginys da Lituânia e como não podia faltar o Spaghetti Carbonara da Itália, aprendendo  ainda um pouco sobre a história e origem cultural dos pratos confecionados.

Se a pandemia o permitir, terá lugar a primeira mobilidade a Valmiera na letónia já no início do próximo ano letivo. 


In May and June, the Cartaxo Secondary School hosted several sports events organized by the teachers and students of the professional course of Sports and involving the students of the Specialized Education Unit of the Grouping of Schools. These students showed their bravery and stamina through the practice of climbing, footgolf and finishing with the traditional games of parents and grandparents.

These activities were framed within the "ASSIST" project (A Safe Sporty Inclusion for Special Teens), an inclusive and innovative project funded by the Erasmus + Program and whose main objective is the integration of these young people through sports and team collaboration. This is a school exchange partnership that includes students of Special Education from 5 other schools in Europe, Canary Islands, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey. Mobilities will take place in these countries, in order to practice several sports, including individual and team sports, water sports, winter sports, outdoors, mountain sports, which will be a unique opportunity to increase the social, intercultural, linguistic and sports skills of our young people.

Besides sports, during the month of June, the students, with the guidance of the Restaurant/Bar teacher, tested and tasted some of the gastronomic specialties of the various partner countries, from the Canarian mojo picón to the Latvian potato pancakes, the Lithuanian Tinginys, and of course the Italian Spaghetti Carbonara, learning a little about the history and cultural origin of the dishes.

If the pandemic allows, the first mobility to Valmiera in Latvia will take place already in the beginning of the next school year.

ASSIST Sports events

A taste of Latvia

A taste of Lithuania

Show Cooking 

A Taste of the ASSIST Countries

Lithuania and Italy

Show Cooking 

A taste of the ASSIST Countries

Latvia and Canary Island

May 2021- Week of the Inclusive Sports 

May 2021 - Secondary School of Cartaxo and "Quinta das Pratas" Sports Facilities

ASSIST students, Sports Students and Sports and Special Education teachers

Inclusive Sports Week 

Footgolf in Quinta das Pratas

Inclusive Sports Week

Portuguese Traditional Games in Cartaxo Secondary School

Inclusive Sports Week 

Climbing in the school Gym

Inclusive Sports Week 


Swimming event - 1 Municipalty pool in  the District of Santarém

Inclusive Sports Week

Dance Workshop for Students with Special Needs, organized in partnership with the Special Education school Department and the  organization "Materiais Diversos"

Europe Day - May 2021

Special Needs Students and Sports Students promote ASSIST project and eTwinning at School

ASSIST Students prepare gifts for Europe Day in the Structures learning UNIT

ASSIST Students carry out a quiz about Europe 

ASSIST students and students talk about their project

ASSIST students also promote eTwinning

February 2021 - School closes down on account of a spike of covid-19 cases

ASSIST Special needs students practice sports at school