One Fits all ?

Project : One Fits all - Introducing Soft drinks onto the Portuguese and German Market

This project aims at developing the students´ basic and transversal skills with a special focus on marketing and entrepreneurship skills

KA- 229 - School Exchange Partnership

Walter-Eucken-Berufskolleg - Düsseldorf

Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita - Cartaxo

Short- term joint staff training event - 2nd- 3rd and 4th December 2019

Host school : Walter-Eucken-Berufskolleg ( Düsseldorf)

This training focus on modern trends in marketing, digital advertising, digital tools and modern teaching methods in marketing classes

Arrival on 1st Dec. and departure on 5th Dec. 2019

Day 1

. Arrival at Düsseldorf International Airport

. Visit to the nearest city : Cologne, its famous cathedral and Christmas market

Day 2 : First working day

. Teachers are welcomed by the school headmistress

. Start of our school partnership - Launching the project and displaying the Erasmus + official plate

. Getting to know the 22 students involved in the partnership

. German Students make a school tour, showing the school building and its facilities

. Students present the German school system, and give some further information about school, different classes and levels

. Job shadowing: learning about the German VET dual system : Portuguese teachers attend a lesson of foreign trade, where INCOTERMS are taught in English. These students of foreign trade spend two days a week at school and 3 days as interns in German and multinational corporations.

Day 2 -

  • In the afternoon Portuguese teachers have lunch in an old German Brewery "Zum Schlüssel" and taste the typical German dishes : Mett Röggelchen, Leberwurst Röggelchen, Sauerkraut, Düsseldorfer Brotzeit,...
  • They take part in a guided city tour in Düsseldorf downtown and visit the famous Christmas market.

Day 3

. Portuguese teachers are providedd with another great job shadowing opportunity : They attend an English lesson taught to an e_commerce class. A vet class attending school 2 days a week.

Each student could present the company he was integrated in as intern and compared the different small and medium- sized business and large companies. A very dynamic and interactive lesson where students showed their fluency in the English language.

. The Portuguese team attended several training sessions focused on the latest trends in modern marketing: influencer marketing:instagram; marketing targeting the different generations( Y and Z), new approaches to market research- creating personas,..

. In the afternoon Portuguese teachers were invited for the school Christmas celebration : German teachers sing carols, tell Christmas stories and play different roles together on a Christmas play

Day 4 - Last Working day

. Gero Werdt, a marketing teacher and expert in digital marketing comes up with further digital tools, for example the Google Digital garage that provides the possibility to attend online workshops and obtain certification.

. Portuguese teachers also learnt how to create explanation videos"How to.." videos, a modern trend to attract the younger generation of consumers.

. Eventually both Portuguese and German teams started planning the different stages of the partnership project, the students´ tasks and the preparation of the first students´ flow in AEMM, Cartaxo in April 2020. All the aquired knowledge will be multiplied in our school and used to develop the project "One Fits all".

Day 4

By the end of the day, the Portuguese team takes the chance to visit the K21 museum, a World-class Contemporary Art Museum in Düsseldorf, a city known not only for its industry but also for its finest arts. They experience an orbit feeling : "In Orbit" is a masterpiece by the Argentinian artist Tomás Seraceno and consists of a net construction within which visitors can apparently move , weightlessly.

A brave and herculean task to end this short - term joint staff training event and prepare for all the upcoming challenges that our project "One fits all ? " may bring to our school !

Press release Portuguese local news