
What is electrogeology?

Trip Report: Pebble Beach, Red River Gorge

A 20 year old Paradigm Shift

  • Stratification & Mineral Transmutation

  • Liesegang Banding

  • Arches

  • Wind blown mountains

  • Lichtenburg Shapes

  • Raised anodes and fulgurites

  • Blasted and shaped craters

  • Carving and discharge

  • Fossilization

  • Kimberly Pipes

  • Supervolcanoes & Calderas

  • Cave Networks

Grand Canyon


Uluru/Ayer's rock

Upheaval Dome

Cosmic Electrogeology: HEGEME Theory

HEGEME and the Plasma-Electromagnetic Sky

Catastrophism Now Has Energy Levels To Explain It

Unboxing Atlantis, EPEMC paper

Craters Found & Mounds Related to Perattian Thunderbolts

Discovery of Perattian Thunderbolt of the Gods Strike Location

Hopewellian Octagons

AKHA Presentation Jovian Octagons 2-16-20

TeslaTech Conf. What the Allegewi knew, that we did not; the Bible, China, and Mayans were right.