J. Beaubier


Reality is infinitely complex, and yet, infinitely simple.

Infinity is only possible due to the fractal self-similarity of all the forces in the Universe.

This fractal universe creates a dual/ non-dual co-dependence between chaos and order, as outlined in the relationship between fractals and chaos theory.

Pure fractals require only numbers that are derived from differiential equations iterated many times.

Yet, fractals can be used to model thermodynamics as well as electromagnetism.

In doing so, they can model gravity as well. The following work outlines this new model of gravity, the evidence, and the implications.

As Above, As Below, the ultimate Hermetic maxim holds true in an Infinite Fractal Universe - but Infinity by definition, must also contains Infinite Diversity.

There are both Infinite Convergent Sets and Infintie Divergent Sets.

Thus, by aligning the 9 gates of perception with the 8 dimensions of the E8 lattice, and maintaining an awareness of the dimensional aspects of the new quantum ontology, we can see thru the fractal matrix of our reality and elucidate the new emerging cosmology.

This holographic nature of the universe alllows us to see thru the tunnels of time, map the future, find universal truths in holographic information, and navigate the cycles of life with wisdom when the 9 gates are aligned properly.

The limitations of our 3D plane are but a training ground for understanding higher dimensions and learning to deal with fear and death.

Once you see your mind, being, and soul as infinite, such fear disappears, and you can break the Matrix cycle and ascend higher realms.

Beyond the General, Beyond the Special, is Infinite Relativity.

Here, we go to Infinity and Beyond Beyond.

F.R.E.E.D.O.M Model




Transcending the Simulation



Learn to Entrain the Rythms of Thoughts in the Brain

Thoughts have many layers operating at once. Creative and fast thinkers tend to have more Gamma waves and a hard time slowing down with conventional mediation. This is a meditation specifically designed for over-thinkers and creatives.

Interrupt Thoughts to Create Mental Space and Focus

Quick rundown of how to trick your brain into relaxing and going to sleep, and how to get back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night.


Rome Aligns to Langrenus Crater at 322 degrees

The inconsistent angle of the Moon's approaches mean different places align at different angles. The Moon turned to 322 degrees aligns in a strong way here between Rome and Langrenus crater, as well as at the Black Sea with several other major craters.

The Conception of EM Bodies

Unique archetypal images creating a looking glass of the Moon and aligning its own craters to each other. Many Universal fractal living and electric pattern emerge.

Enter the Looking Glass, here.


Planet Birth & Bifurcation

Overview of Stellar, Planetary, and Lunar birth in an infinite fractal electro-magnetic universe. 2022 Electromagnetic Universe Expo presentation.

Lunar Mares

Introduction to Beau Theory of Lunar Formation via close electromagnetic and cyclical encounters to Earth while the Moon was in low orbit



Planetary Orbits, Chaos Theory & Strange Attractors

From Stable to Torroidal Orbits & Chaos: Using the the Lorenz Equations Rayleigh Number to explains orbital and axial tilt relationships.

Fractal Thermodynamic Planets, Moons and Stars

Theory of Polar Orientation Prolate Spheroids: Bifurcation and the role of pressure and viscosity as variables for electricity and magnetism.


Path of the Moon Escaping Low Orbit, Polshifts & Earth's Catastrophe Cycles and the Great Flood Evidence Worldwide

From Stable to Torroidal Orbits & Chaos: Using the the Lorenz Equations Rayleigh Number to explains orbital and axial tilt relationships.

Fractal Thermodynamic Planets, Moons and Stars

Theory of Polar Orientation Prolate Spheroids: Bifurcation and the role of pressure and viscosity as variables for electricity and magnetism.


Fiji as a Cathode-Copernicus Crater Anode

The relationship of Earth's mountains, volcanoes and Pacific Islands was to act as Cathodes that discharge energy at the Moon to repel it away. Fiji was created by a strong and long electric connection to the lunar crater Copernicus at the center of the Lunar mare complex.

Moon Over the Pacific Ocean

The outline of dead faults on the Moon that surrounds the lunar mares has the exact same shape as Earth's Pacific plate. This indicates a mutal tidal locking from when the Earth was 1/2 as big, and only 2x the Moons diameter, before breaking away..


Jupiter Proximity and the Moon's Transient Lunar Phenomena

In 1963 an ejection of material from Aristarcus crater on the Moon occured exactly as Jupiter made its closest appraoch in 70 years. In 2022, it returns to make another close aprroach to Earth. Made on Sept 10th.

A lunar satelite went haywire later that day.

The Mystery of Pluto's Heart

The diameter ratio of Pluto to its largest moon, Charon is 2:1. Because of this and a distance of only 12,200 miles between them, they are mutually tidally locked. The ice basin forming below the point between them represents the same model of how the Earth and Moon were mutualy tidally locked over the Pacific Ocean, before the moon escaped low orbit. The relationship helps explain why planets don't collide, but rather bounce and shed mass from their surfaces to escape collions.


The univeral pattern of energies and frequencies that organizes and distributes electromagnetic and thermodynamic vortices and currents is obvious across many fields of life. We can use these patterns where ever we find them to infer data at different levels of reality.

These are all flat images of 3D objects. As such we are regualrizing different level of infinite sets. Just as one can overlay a golden ration over a flower, so can a galaxy overlay the fracturing of earths plates on a sphere, or a 2D map. All information is holographic from a certain angle.

Nazca Lines & Ancient Ice Age Navigators, Earths' Plates and Electrogeology as EM Currents

The Nazca lines were a world wide navigation chart of ocean currents that echos the Electric Cosmic Vortex of Galaxies and Birkland Currents in 2D.

4 Maps, 75 levels of Transparency

The correlations are hard to see without being able to manipulate the transparent levels, so this is a video of many iterations with music and no narration.

Explore how the plasma vortex between the Earth and Moon shaped both and created the continents and plaet techtonics.

Plasma Moon Orientation 2

Just music and overlays of correspondances.

4 Maps, 75 levels of Transparency

Secrets basins and contours beneath the Saharan Sands reveal an previously unknown power center in Northern Chad tied to Langrenus Crater.