Entrepreneurial Mindset

Reading Outcomes

  • Express entrepreneurial mindset characteristics

Part 1 - Absorb

  1. Read "We Are All Entrepreneurs: It's A Mindset, Not A Business Model" by Donna DeCarolis, Dean at Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship at Drexel University

  2. Read "Business Skills vs. Entrepreneurial Thinking" by Amy Rosen, Partner at the Public Private Strategy Group

  3. Read "Entrepreneurial Thinking is About More Than Starting a Business" by Alfred Edmond, Jr., Editor-at-large of Black Enterprise Magazine

  4. Watch the Grit video below:


  1. Reflect on qualities of entrepreneurship and how it can be used. You will use this in the Entrepreneurial Reflection assignment.

5. Watch lecture video below:

What is the Entrepreneurial Mindset?


What entrepreneurial mindset traits do you think you have?

A skill set that includes:





Critical Thinking

Problem Solving




Recognizing Opportunity

Comfort with Risk

Part 2 - Absorb

How entrepreneurial are you?

  1. Explore each of the 8 mindset characteristic modules identified by NFTE

  2. Choose at least 3 of the modules to do from start to finish.


  1. Reflect on which qualities you consider yourself having. You will use this in the Entrepreneurial Reflection assignment.

Who Are Entrepreneurs

“Who sees opportunities and pursues them...”

Review the meaning of entrepreneur.

Part 3 - Absorb

1. Watch "What I learned from 100 days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang, author of Rejection Proof


In what situations can the entrepreneurial trait of resilience be helpful?


  1. Reflect on how you deal with rejection. You will use this in the Entrepreneurial Reflection assignment.

  2. Take Theory Quiz in Blackboard