Tools for Project

Video Overview 

Tools for the Better World Project 

Tools to help you with this Project 

How will you keep track of what you do?

You will keep track of your learning and progress by keeping a journal about the experience. Successful entrepreneurs have the great habit of writing about their experiences and ideas. Reflection is a big part of our growth. A big part of the growth-mindset is processing what we learn, as well as reflecting on mistakes and failures and thinking about how we can do better.  Journaling is a great tool to help us. You will not have to turn this in; however, keep in mind that evidence of you doing this will be evident in the richness of any project reflections. 

You will use an Artificial Intelligence Tool or Platform to help you complete research. You will keep track of your research by using an AI worksheet (which is also the assignment sheet). This will include keeping a copy of the prompts you use, resources cited, and the responses you get from the AI tool. You will submit the AI Worksheet. 

Using AI Responsibility 

AI Use Policy 

Students should only submit work generated by AI when explicitly allowed. Directions in activities, projects, and assignments will inform you when use of AI is allowed.  

Never used Chat GPT before? 

Head to the official Chat GPT webpage and follow along to learn how to use it. 

If you need more assistance with using it, please post in the discussion board. 

When it is okay not to share that you used AI

When you use it as an assistant to help edit grammar or spelling.

When you use it to find information on your behalf. 

When to share that you used AI

When you use it to create ideas and specific information such as words, sounds, and images. 

(This image created by Adobe Express)  Image of two kids sitting on the grass outside of a school.

(This image created by Adobe Express) 

Proper Citation: 

Basically when you use it for anything that is not of your own generation from your brain!  

When you have a works cited page -- 

Proper Citation: Harm reduction methods means people will be safer ("How many people are affected by depression"). 

When you do not have a works cited at the end --

Proper Citation: Harm reduction methods means people will be safer ("How many people are affected by depression" prompt. ChatGPT, 24 May version, OpenAI, May 4, 2024,

How to Share AI for Our Project 

For the project you have permission to use AI for, you will only have to summarize your AI experience in the assignment and include the saved chats with the AI Tool. 

Unless you are specifically citing something the AI provided you, you do not have to cite AI within the assignment. 

You will need to save your chats and share them at the end of the assignment. 

AI Tools to Use

Try using Chat GPT, sign up for a free account here: 

It is fairly self explanatory, but if you are struggling to use it, please let Professor Hargis know. 

To do so, head to the top right and click on the little box, it will bring up a dialog box where you can copy a link. Include this link in your assignment. 

Great AI Tips

Keep in mind, using AI and integrating it into your original work is no different than using images, sounds, videos, words, ideas, quotes, etc. from other people. 

If it isn't your original idea, give the credit to who it came from. 

If it is AI, say so. 

*This AI Policy was created from ideas discussed at the Middlesex Community College Professional Day in Spring 2024*

**Also this page is a work in progress, please send all confusions, suggestions or questions to**