A Level Fine Art, Textiles and Photography

Art&Design sixth form open evening.mp4

The A level Art, A level Textiles and A level Photography course begin with an introduction to a wide range of media and techniques, allowing you to experiment, explore and discover your strengths. The second part of the course is where you decide and develop a theme and discipline of your choice and spend a year creating a set of work, using whatever media, techniques and outcomes you wish. You will need to show an ability to develop ideas and use artists and designers as inspiration. There will also be a written element to the course in the form of artist research based on practical work.

Entry Requirements: GCSE grade 5 across subjects including English and Maths. Ideally GCSE grade 6 Art.

Specefication: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/art-and-design/as-and-a-level/art-and-design

Below are additional resources and a transition task to help prepare you for A level Fine Art, A level Graphics or A Level Photography at Cowes Sixth Form.

KS5 Yr12 Outline and course information.pdf
Yr11 into 6th form ART.pdf
rules of composition.pptx
Photography Shutter and Aperture.pdf