A Level Chemistry

Chemistry A level Film.mp4

A level Chemistry shows a depth of learning that requires numerous skills of its students; maths, scientific reasoning, written and spoken communication and practicality among many others.

Entry Requirements: GCSE grade 5 across subjects including English and Maths. GCSE grade 6 in triple or double science. You must be prepared for background reading and consolidation.

Specification: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-and-a-level/chemistry-a-h032-h432-from-2015/

Below are additional resources and a transition task to help prepare you for A level Chemistry at Cowes Sixth Form.

GCSE-to-GCE-Transition-Project (Chemistry).pdf
Chemistry OCR.pdf

Further Chemistry Reading-


GCSE-to-GCE-Transition-Project (Chemistry).docx