1.4 MentorTraining


Training will be offered by Marlene between 1:30-2:00 pm and then repeated from 3:00-3:30 pm. New mentors, prospective mentors, and guests who have not attended the first three meetings should meet with Burt from 3:00-3:30 pm for orientation.

Topics and Handouts

Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing rhymes activity, Recognizing Rhymes

Phonics:Set # 2 (j,k,l,m.n,p) - generate list of words that begin with each consonant (add to personal dictionary), Alphabet Set # 2 ( j, k, l, m, n, p)

Vocabulary: Teach 10 words identified in Session 2, How to Teach Sight Words

Fluency and Comprehension: "Goals" worksheet before/during/after activities, Goals

Blank Lesson Planning Sheets

Remember to fill out a lesson plan sheet before each meeting (Procedures and Materials), and then complete it at the conclusion of each session with Celebrations and Challenges. This is a tool for your ongoing planning and support. Lesson plans will not be collected but may be helpful when seeking support from leaders or peers.

1.4 Rhymes, Consonants, Sight Words... Learning Packet.pdf