Weekly Reflections

Week 1 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

29 August 2021

I feel this course could be challenging and time-consuming if there is no plan to work with, but it can be an easy one if you keep up with the due dates, assigned work, and make sure to participate in every class meeting we're having this semester. In order for students to get to their overall success in this course or any course in general you’ll have to keep a good connection with your classmates and professor if you’re in a need of help or concerned about any of the course material.

Week 2 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

5 September 2021

Academic education has been hard for some of us, maybe because of the indoctrination methods. Education systems have been here since the 17th century, but we still did not find the answer for how to get someone to learn something hard and complex, yet still enjoy it.

Kids nowadays are faster at solving a video game problem than an easy math problem, maybe school is not made for everyone, because some people are not motivated to follow steps, learning principles, and the content. Some people don’t like pressure, and studies show that pressure to get things done quickly is not the right thing. Most important to remember that no deep learning takes place unless learners make an extended commitment to themselves.

Week 3 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

12 September 2021

Week 3 has been straightforward, at the beginning I thought creating the website will be hard, But it turned out to be easy to work with. Reading and summarizing was the best part of this week. We got to choose a story or a novel that we liked and shared it in a group.

Week 6 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

3 October 2021

In the last three weeks, I felt under pressure while analyzing the texts I got, but it was also interesting how we learned some strategies that are helpful to get started, also doing some research was a great source to become more familiar with the assigned key terms. In addition in the last weeks, my group and I became more active when sharing and discussing our notes, and summaries which are good things that we need in order to stay in the contract. A note that I have on the "coach up" email, I think making students think that someone is on top of their work will benefit them in all ways, and they will become more productive, and effective in their groups and their participation.

Thank you Professor for a great class.

Week 7 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

10 October 2021

Dumas’ story with her name was funny to read, but at the same time, it represents a true story that we face in our days. I think that the lesson that we should observe from this story is to adapt for your own benefit, to adapt if it will help to move forward in your process. On the other hand, if we do or do not change our names, we still have to remember that we did not change to act differently or to gain respect. Even if we change our name, we must remember the main purpose for our life, and the reason that prompted us to change it, and that changing the name does not mean we have to change our original roots or our habits, but we have to respect ourselves no matter how difficult it is to deal with others.

Week 8 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

17 October 2021

In week 8 we learned some techniques that help us read difficult texts. I can support my writing and the style I use, it is not quite perfect but I think it has some kind of creativity that I put in it. With More writing, I believe I can reach a flawless level in writing. When it comes to reading, I do really well with internal reading, I feel like I am the author or that I wrote each word in the text. But I am still working to get rid of my hesitation when reading out loud, especially if I'm not prepared, it feels like I am seeing the words for the first time, even though my casual speech is almost accurate.

I will do my best to improve both reading and writing.

Week 11Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

7 November 2021

This week, I began revising the first draft of project one, considering some improvements that could be made to both projects 1 and 2. As I read project 1, I attempted to use clearer and shorter words that would clarify the writer's point to the reader. However, I found certain sentences that were irrelevant to the topic, so I will either delete them or make some changes to keep the writing more objective and focused. As part of my research, I'm considering some strategies like always addressing the readers, having the right language according to each paragraph's point, and reading the draft several times carefully to check for misspelling and grammar.

Week 12 Reflection


Prof. Daniel Sansing

English 0097

12 November 2021

In week 12, citations and references in MLA format are most important for preventing plagiarism, and students should learn how to add citations and links to their writing if it has ideas and sentences from an article or a website that is by an author. The authors and publishers are thus given credit for their work as a result of this.

In addition, I am still working with the revision strategies that I have for projects 1 and 2, hopefully, I will turn them in on time.