
Week 1 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

23 August 2021

Contract B Notes

1- students can find their success through improving self-awareness and growth mindset choices.

2- Earning grades even if it was the average, will still require a lot of work and study.

3- Completing all the work stated in the contract guarantees the student grade of B

4- Being patient helps to learn, adapt, and keep a "growth mindset"

Week 2 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

30 August 2021

Good Video Games and Good Learning

1- Being amazed or passionate about something, doesn’t mean you'll succeed from the beginning. Failing is part of the process.

2- A good video game incorporates good ideas and habits that support learning principles.

3- Learning a new domain requires an extended commitment of self.

4- Video games could be like adults' life, it has levels of learning and different difficulty levels.

5- leaving learners with no pressure to solve complex problems results in creative solutions.

6- Referring to words or definitions through experiences makes it easier to memorize and to learn.

Week 4 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

14 September 2021

The "Banking" Concept of Education Notes

1- Sonority of words is an impactful characteristic of narrative education. (1)

2- Education could be represented as the act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teachers are the depositors. (1)

3- Individuals in the banking concept are spectators and not re-creators. Merely in the world not with the world. (4)

4- Solidarity requires true communication; only through human communication can human life hold meaning. (5)

5- The banking concept distinguishes two stages in the action of education, during the first he cognize an object, during the second he expounds to his students about that object

Week 6 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

29 September 2021

What We Mean When We Say Race is a Social Construct

1- Ta-Nehisi Coates asserts that the idea of race is not based on someone’s intelligence.

2- Most honest writings on "race and intelligence" focuses on a critique of intelligence, not race.

3- Focusing on the criticism of intelligence may explain that it is something that differs from one person to another, however, it can be developed in certain ways.

4- If someone is trying to study anything, the first anything they will have to do is to understand the terms and to know they can be defined.

5- in the Old World, the observant traveler may with little attention often detect the racial affinity of a people by this means.

6- When different races are living in different regions of the world, they can involve in different physical and mental train.

Week 7 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

5 October 2021

The "F Word"

1- Cultures and names meanings differ from a country to another.

2- people in our daily life sometimes underestimate others' values and ethics based on their nationality.

3- Backgrounds about cultures that we learn and hear might cause misleading and misunderstanding for the actual purpose for this background.

4- America is a great country, however people who live in it have a form of pretending and concealment of reality.

5- First impressions could be the way to start or to stop proceeding in a relationship, this impression could be the name, look, smell, manners, and more.

Week 8 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

13 October 2021

How to Tame a Wild Tongue

1- The Dominant Culture in a particular country usually does not recognize intruder languages and express them as a useless thing to its' society (38).

2- Some words are borrowed from other languages and have the same meaning, also somewhat the same pronunciation with a slight difference (38)

3- Child abuse, and sharing negative thoughts and feelings, like judging their accent, opinions, and nationality can affect their confidence when they grow up (39).

4- Some countries consider teaching certain languages as backward and there is no need to complete their dissemination in societies (39).

5- Foreigners in any country must respect the culture, and beliefs of the country they are in, even if it is in conflict with their civilization, for them to be welcomed they have to maintain mutual respect (41-43).

Week 9 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

18 October 2021

Project 2 Assignment

1- Support your discussion and ideas with evidence from the sources you have.

2- We should focus on the main audience who is the college community.

3- Final draft should be around five to seven paragraphs in length.

4- We should have long and short paragraphs to attract readers.

5- We are focusing on questions and discussions people approach when trying to get a solution to the question.

Week 11 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

2 November 2021

Notes: resources on revision

1- Ask for suggestions from native speakers.

2- Read through the document carefully and check the grammar and spelling.

3- Check for the language, it might be too strong or too weak.

4- always address the audience and

5- Do not use big words, when small, clear words work

6- Check pronouns that have a clear referent.

Week 12 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

8 November 2021

Resources on in-text citation and references

1- We use in-text citation when we directly quote someone, or when we paraphrase.

2- For online sources, we do not need a page number, just an author or the title.

3- when citing a container make sure it is always italicized and follows standardized capitalization protocol.

4- The in-text citation should match up with the first thing listed for that source in your works cited.

5- Smaller work contained within larger work needs to be in quotation marks.

Week 13 Notes

Bashar Mashal

Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

16 November 2021

Project 3 assignment

1- Throughout the semester, integrate the arguments and evidence we used in your writings and texts.

2- Discuss how you can address your writing and make it more specific using key terms.

3- Looking back at your drafts, summaries, reflection, and notes can refresh your memory and you can obtain some strategies you have used.

4- Always address your audience and keep it formal and easy for them to understand your writing.

5- The genre of writing can be impacted by audience and purpose.