Read, Summarize, and Share

Week 3 read, summarize, share.


Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097

9 September 2021

Men in the sun summary

Men in the sun, Ghassan Kanafani. Ghassan Kanafani's story "Men in the Sun" revolves around the effects of the catastrophe caused by the Israeli occupation in his attempt to achieve The Balfour Declaration, to establish a state for the Jewish people on the land of Palestine with British help and support. The matter was implemented through an attempt to efface the national ideas, which are represented in the love of the homeland and sacrifice for it.

Abu Qais and other characters from Kanafani’s story were greatly affected by the consequences of the Nakba, such as unemployment, forced displacement, home demolitions, and violence. Their only solution was to resort to a neighboring country, namely Kuwait, to find work and spend on their families who are still in Palestine.

Abu Qais and those with him tried to escape to Kuwait illegally because of the travel ban following the Nakba and the siege, and their attempt was to go to Kuwait by smuggling through the desert.

After bothering to search for someone who could smuggle, and the high price required for this matter, they found a man named Abu Al-Khayzuran, who asked for a fair price on specific conditions. The terms were agreed upon.

They rode with him that morning, and they had to enter an iron water tank at each checkpoint. They succeeded in passing through the first checkpoint, and after thinking that they had arrived, the border guards surprised them to check another, so they had to go back in the tank full

Humidity and extreme heat, they prolonged their search on Abu Al-Khayzuran, and that was the cause of the death. Abu al-Khayzuran threw them into the desert after the checkpoint.

Because of the Nakba, those who fled to a neighboring country, the result was either their arrival or the death of most of them due to the method of smuggling, and the hot weather. It was better for them to listen to the words of the people in their homeland and to stay despite the hardship and humiliation caused by the Israeli occupation.

Thus, the writer concluded his story by saying “and my father once said a man without a homeland will have no grave in the earth, and he forbade me to leave”

Bashar Mashal

English 0097

Professor Daniel Sansing

30 September 2021

Identity Card

Identity Card, Mahmoud Darwish, Darwish wrote it after he tried to obtain an identity card for him, however, at the same time, he knew that he and his family had been registered in the census as long-time exiles. Darwish wrote it after an incident that occurred with him at the Ministry of Interior. He applied for an identity card, and When the employee asked him about his nationality, Darwish replied: “Arab.” The employee repeated the question in a disapproving manner, to which Darwish replied: “Register, I am an Arab.” From this incident emerged the poem.

It also represents the occupation’s attempt to humiliate the people. Darwish indicates that in his poetic verses. He also repeats “Register I am an Arab” at the beginning of each stanza to confirm that he adheres to his nationality, no matter what happens, and will not give it up for irresponsible actions of extremist parties that call them selfs Arabs.

Bashar Mashal

English 0097

Professor Daniel Sansing

11 October 2021

The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen. The short story “The Little Match Girl” is all about the poverty, hunger, and helplessness of a little girl who is sent to sell matches when she is supposed to stay at home or at school. When all the world seems to be celebrating New Year’s Eve, the girl is deprived of joy. But the readers are caught in the riddle whether it is sheer poverty of the family or the cruelty of a father to his daughter; maybe both.

Whatever the case may be, the author has shown us how sometimes death can be better than life on earth. The poor girl got nothing here in this life. All the visions she had in the light of the matches only reflected her unfulfilled wishes and dreams. She also wished to enjoy some delicious food, to sit under a beautiful Christmas tree.

So the New Year’s Eve is a symbol for the beginning of a new life (after death) of the girl in heaven. The last evening of the old year was the last evening of the girl’s miserable life. The new year brings glorious changes to the girl’s life which others have no eyes to see.