Project 1

Final rivision for project 1



Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097.002

22 September 2021

Three texts, Three analyses.

Genre analysis:

James P. Gee writes his narrative about video games and the prevalent education system back then. We can conclude from Gee's narrative that some genres were used. The first feature is that it is non-fiction, which means there is time and place. Gee’s character in the narrative played video games and was amazed at how hard and complex that game is, therefore he engaged in virtual research using the internet (34), accordingly the time is not specific but after the period of internet invention which was 1983.

However, Gees’ text mentions the Baby-Boomers and how they think and how they feel about learning it also appears to be limited in terms of creativity and development that could be reached to handle video games.

The earlier text complements Paulo Freire’s text which revolves around student-teacher relations and how it can be the best or the worst, however, Freire mentions that students are not informed why they are learning, they memorize without understanding; like Gee's concern about baby-boomers and their difficulty learning advanced things.

Gee is using expository as a sub-genre where he interpreted and analyzed the learning principles, however, Gee is considering some questions that need to be answered, well he is arguing that video games are much better than the regular education system, so he had to know what did you learn from the game? What did you make out of it? Did you just learn how to play?

The earlier paragraph meets Paulo Freire’s thoughts and concerns, he believes that education is what holds people from being doers outside of the classroom, and they do not know the answer to Gees’ questions, they know what two times two is, but they do not know what it means. Gee and Freire believe that understanding and being able to interpret is more important than just memorizing.

Freire is also using the analogy style that we can see in his examples (1-2), where he calls the education system the act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories, and the teacher is the depositors. Further, he lists the attitude society has (2), in these points, we can conclude that the students whether they like the object or not will have to adapt.

Men in the Sun genre:

Ghassan Kanafani, his novel shows the situation in Palestine during 1948, And what were the effects caused by the occupation? Kanafani’s novel has a fiction genre, so it was not based on actual characters in those days, or it is not exactly specific, however, it obtains real events and real situations people were under during the catastrophe.

Novels that have fiction genres, but are showing reality at a specific time, this was Kanafani’s mind and way when authoring this novel, he picked time, place, and event that was factual and plugged them into his novel with different dialogue.

Again, Kanafani interprets the event in ways that simulate the reality experienced by the people at that time.

Rhetorical Situation:

Gee went through the education system, so we ask why he wrote it? What is the reason? Gee wrote his narrative to describe the education system and what it does to students or people who are involved in the progress. The author is informing us that the system that brings joy to the student and the teacher when giving a lecture or a specific subject is what we need. If this is what we are heading to in the change we will have a generation that desires these subjects because of the indoctrination ways that we are developing.

The matter that Gee is talking about is the problem our schools face. How do you get someone to learn something long, hard, and complex, and still enjoy it? Video games were made, but they had to make a profit, in the same way, they had to make sense, and have a purpose to play. Students who alienate from their subjects because they do not make sense to them, push them to learn something else, in another way, from different people.

Books, hallways, and any other sides and accessories at the education place are far from reality to some, and far from real dialogues for others, they do not talk back to you (34). Some are convinced that dropping out of the system or making anything else is considered failing, you will have to take risks to find your learning method.

Research has shown that when learners are left free to roam in a complex problem space, they tend to hit on creative solutions (36). Knowing you can solve the problem when having one is pleasantly frustrating because you know you will achieve something at the end of it, on the other hand, this takes from the person, system thinking, time, rethinking goals, and many other things.

Overall, no deep learning takes place unless learners make an extended commitment to themselves. Whether it is in school or out of school. Learning takes a significant place in the depth of the human being to accept the subject does no matter what it is.

Freire is talking about how education can be more effective depending on the relationship between the students and the teacher. What makes it difficult for the students to obey the teacher’s content? Freire says it is the relationship, it is how we think about our teachers, and it is how we feel they think about us.

Freire’s text is telling that the act of education has changed, students are not learning what they should learn and teachers are not giving what they teach in a way where students can get it. Students are turned into “containers,” into “receptacles” to be “filled” by the teacher (1). Education thus becomes an act of depositing, students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor, regardless of the bad checks or the ripped bills that might bounce back without going through.

The banking concept of education minimizes the action allowed to the students which affects the creativity level that is developed throughout the process. Then, knowledge is a gift to those who are considered knowledgeable but still cannot pass this knowledge in the right way.

Finally, problem-posing education does not and cannot serve the interests of the oppressor. Humanity cannot be carried out in isolation or individualism. Additionally, no one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so (11).

Men in the Sun Rhetorical Situation:

Ghassan Kanafani's novel 1962, Men in the Sun features three Palestinian refugees of different generations in their attempt to gain freedom and prosperity in Kuwait. It was published while he was in Beirut after he was displaced from his home and family.

Kanafani’s estrangement, and what he has exposed during the Palestinian catastrophe was the incentive to author this novel, Kanafani has talked about the consequences of the catastrophe, such as unemployment, forced displacement, home demolitions, and violence. With all, most of the population in this area tends to resort to neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, and others.

Kanafani talks about the events that promoted Abu Qais and who is with him to try hard to look to Kuwait so that they can help their families, others had to pay for their younger siblings' education, and others just wanted a good life with no violation and domination from others.

He authored this story after the end of most of the events following the catastrophe. He summarized what happened more broadly: more than just displacement, but self-sacrifice to obtain the affluent life that they thought they might gain in their departure.

Kanafani was a seasoned political figure, with awe for Israeli politicians, because he had clues to what was going on. He wrote Men in the sun when political corruption was spread out. He wrote it following the victory of agents and the politically corrupt in the governments and the generalization of the homeland without blinking an eyelid. After the entire period that Kanafani was arguing with politicians in the name of the land and the Palestinian cause that belongs to its owners, and will not be taken by looting and theft, it became clear that betrayals and bribery were stronger than the love of the cause that Ghassan defended Throughout his political life.


Gee tries to communicate his ideas to the readers, to the people who are engaged in the education process, he proves in his text that future readers will understand that the inherited educational methods are either the best or the worst.

The idea that what you learned from video games is just how to play it, gee is mentioning this type of question that comes from certain people (34). Gee is considering the teachers, professors, academic texts authors, and the students in general, because it always starts from the giver and not the taker, from the speaker and not the listener, the one who is more familiar with the subject, not the one who is about to learn it.

Gee is mentioning the Baby-Boomers who are engaged in activities that are helpless and worthless in general just to gain social network or any other thing. He is calling out the ones who do not commit themselves to get the education they need for anything they want.

Text 2: The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Freire’s text is very objective and is centered around the descriptions of education in our time. The audience who are the readers could be teachers or students are meant to understand that the issue is the education place and what it has and the way it behaves.

Freire is pointing out those who changed the concept of education where it was to teach and to give experiences that are memorable, useful, and understandable, however, the concept has changed into filling the brains with ideas and terms without learning the actual meaning of it that leads to a lack of creativity in the generations.

Freire also includes in his audience those who let education turn into words with no meaning, discussions with no conclusions, problems with no solutions that make no sense to the student, which cause the banking concept to occur when describing the education system these days.

Men in the Sun Audience:

Kanafani drafts his story for his readers and engraves pictures of the obvious difficulties, which every Palestinian endures. It was directed to those who believe in morality and justice over corruption and available temptations.

Kanafani refers to his noble audience who adheres to his origin, which is not bought or sold at a price. Kanafani refers to the people who persevered and succeeded in their land and defended it, also to those who fled against their will, but for a personal and public benefit that gains to the whole people and their family.

Work Cited:

Freire, Paulo. "The Banking Concept of Education." Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Accessed 15 February 2020.

Gee, James Paul. “Good Video Games and Good Learning.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum vol. 85 no. 2, 2005, pp. 33-37. and%20Good %20Learning.pdf. Accessed 7 March 2020.

Kanafani, Ghassan. “Men in the Sun.” Men in the Sun and other Palestinian stories.'&f=false. Access on 13 Novermber 2021.

Final draft Project 1



Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097.002

22 September 2021

Three texts, Three analyses.


Good Video Games and Good Learning.

James P. Gee writes his narrative about video games and the prevalent education system in their days. Looking back at Gee's narrative we can conclude that some genres were used through the narrative. Initially, it has a non-fiction genre which means that there is time and place or an event. Gee’s character in the narrative played video games and was amazed at how hard and complex that game is, therefore he engaged in virtual research using the internet (34), accordingly the time is not specific but after the period of internet invention which was 1983.

Moreover, the Baby-Boomer learning and thinking ways that he mentioned did not help and was limited to achieve the creativity level the video game needed, and he described these ways like using muscles that had not had this much of a workout since last time at an academic class, and this is another sign for the time that brings up the internet and the baby-boomers generation after their academic years.

Gee is using expository as a sub-genre where he interpreted and analyzed the learning principles, however, Gee is considering some questions that need to be answered, well he is arguing that video games are much better than the regular education system, so he had to know what did you learn from the game? What did you make out of it? Did you just learn how to play? When having the answers to these questions, Gee is analyzing the principles that give the support to learn a new domain.

The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Paulo Freire writes about education, and how academic experience can be the best or the worst for the student. Analyzing the text in our hands, Freire is using an essay genre where he explains, explores, and argues, about the teacher-student relationship at any level, inside or outside the school.

Freire is also using the analogy style that we can see in his examples (1-2), where he calls the education system the act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositors. Further, he lists the attitude the society has (2), in these points, we can conclude that the students whether they like the object or not they will have to adapt.

Men in the Sun.

Ghassan Kanafani, his novel shows the situation in Palestine during 1948, And what were the effects caused by the occupation? Kanafani’s novel has a fiction genre, so it was not based on actual characters in those days or it is not exactly specific, however, it obtains real events and real situations people were under during the catastrophe.

Novels that have fiction genres, but are showing the reality at a specific time, this was Kanafani’s mind and way when authoring this novel, he picked time, place, and event that was factual and plugged them into his novel with different dialogue.

Again, Kanafani interprets the event in ways that simulate the reality experienced by the people at that time.

Rhetorical Situation

Good Video Games and Good Learning.

Gee went through the education system, so we ask why he wrote it? What is the reason? Gee wrote his narrative to describe the education system and what it does to students or people who are involved in the progress. The author is informing us that the system that brings joy to the student and the teacher when giving a lecture or a specific subject is what we need. If this is what we are heading to in the change we will have a generation that wants these subjects because of the indoctrination ways that we are developing.

The matter that Gee is talking about is the problem our schools face. How do you get someone to learn something long, hard, and complex, and still enjoy it? Video games were made, but they had to make a profit, in the same way, they had to make sense, and have a purpose to play. Students who alienate from their subjects because they do not make sense to them, push them to learn something else, in another way, from different people.

Books, hallways, and any other sides and accessories at the education place are far from reality to some, and far from real dialogues for others, they do not talk back to you (34). Some are convinced that dropping out of the system or making anything else is considered failing, you will have to take risks to find your learning method. Some pupils cannot find, interact, produce, etcetera, which might make it harder for students to attend lectures with joy, or to give opinions.

When we look at the problem, we cannot just walk away and hope for it to be solved, however, we will be able to find that solution when working with the problem. Research has shown that when learners are left free to roam in a complex problem space, they tend to hit on creative solutions (36). Knowing you can solve the problem when having one is pleasantly frustrating because you know you will achieve something at the end of it, on the other hand, this takes from the person, system thinking, time, rethinking goals, and many other things.

Overall, no deep learning takes place unless learners make an extended commitment to themselves. Whether it is in school or out of school. Learning takes a significant place in the depth of the human being to accept the subject does no matter what it is.

The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Freire is talking about how education can be more effective depending on the relationship between the students and the teacher. What makes it difficult for the students to obey the teacher’s content? Freire says it is the relationship, it is how we think about our teachers, and it is how we feel they think about us.

The outstanding characteristic of this narrative education is the sonority of words, not their transforming power (1). The students record, memorize and repeat all these phrases given in a class without knowing the meaning.

Freire’s text is telling that the act of education has changed, students are not learning what they should learn and teachers are not giving what they teach in a way where students can get it. Students are turned into “containers,” into “receptacles” to be “filled” by the teacher (1). Education thus becomes an act of depositing, students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor, regardless of the bad checks or the ripped bills that might bounce back without going through.

The banking concept of education minimizes the action allowed to the students which affects the creativity level that is developed throughout the process. Then, knowledge is a gift to those who are considered knowledgeable but still cannot pass this knowledge in the right way.

Finally, problem-posing education does not and cannot serve the interests of the oppressor. Humanity cannot be carried out in isolation or individualism. Additionally, no one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so (11).

Men in the Sun

Ghassan Kanafani's novel 1962, Men in the Sun features three Palestinian refugees of different generations in their attempt to gain freedom and prosperity in Kuwait. It was published while he was in Beirut after he was displaced from his home and family.

Kanafani’s estrangement, and what he has exposed during the Palestinian catastrophe was the incentive to author this novel, Kanafani has talked about the consequences of the catastrophe, such as unemployment, forced displacement, home demolitions, and violence. With all, most of the population in this area tends to resort to neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, and others.

Kanafani talks about the events that promoted Abu Qais and who is with him to try hard to look to Kuwait so that they can help their families, others had to pay for their younger siblings' education, and others just wanted a good life with no violation and domination from others.

He authored this story after the end of most of the events following the catastrophe. He summarized what happened more broadly: more than just displacement, but self-sacrifice to obtain the affluent life that they thought they might gain in their departure.

Kanafani was a seasoned political figure, with awe for Israeli politicians, because he had clues to what was going on. He wrote Men in the sun when political corruption was spread out. He wrote it following the victory of agents and the politically corrupt in the governments and the generalization of the homeland without blinking an eyelid. After the entire period that Kanafani was arguing with politicians in the name of the land and the Palestinian cause that belongs to its owners, and will not be taken by looting and theft, it became clear that betrayals and bribery were stronger than the love of the cause that Ghassan defended Throughout his political life.


Good Video games and Good Learning.

Gee tries to communicate his ideas to the readers, to the people who are engaged in the education process, he proves in his text that future readers will understand that the inherited educational methods are either the best or the worst.

The idea that what you learned from video games is just how to play it, gee is mentioning this type of question that comes from certain people (34). Gee is considering the teachers, professors, academic texts authors, and the students in general, because it always starts from the giver and not the taker, from the speaker and not the listener, the one who is more familiar with the subject, not the one who is about to learn it.

Gee is mentioning the Baby-Boomers who are engaged in activities that are helpless and worthless in general just to gain social network or any other thing. He is calling out the ones who do not commit themselves to get the education they need for anything they want.

Text 2: The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Freire’s text is very objective and is centered around the descriptions of education in our time. The audience who are the readers could be teachers or students are meant to understand that the issue is the education place and what it has and the way it behaves.

Freire is pointing out those who changed the concept of education where it was to teach and to give experiences that are memorable, useful, and understandable, however, the concept has changed into filling the brains with ideas and terms without learning the actual meaning of it that leads to a lack of creativity in the generations.

Freire also includes in his audience those who let education turn into words with no meaning, discussions with no conclusions, problems with no solutions that make no sense to the student, which cause the banking concept to occur when describing the education system these days.

Text 3: Men in the Sun.

Kanafani drafts his story for his readers and engraves pictures of the obvious difficulties, which every Palestinian endures. It was directed to those who believe in morality and justice over corruption and available temptations.

Kanafani refers to his noble audience who adheres to his origin, which is not bought or sold at a price. Kanafani refers to the people who persevered and succeeded in their land and defended it, also to those who fled against their will, but for a personal and public benefit that gains to the whole people and their family.

Work Cited:

Freire, Paulo. "The Banking Concept of Education." Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Accessed 15 February 2020.

Gee, James Paul. “Good Video Games and Good Learning.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum vol. 85 no. 2, 2005, pp. 33-37. and%20Good %20Learning.pdf. Accessed 7 March 2020.

Kanafani, Ghassan. “Men in the Sun.” Men in the Sun and other Palestinian stories.'&f=false. Access on 13 Novermber 2021.

Project 1 draft



Professor Daniel Sansing

English 0097.002

22 September 2021

Three texts, Three analyses


Text 1: Good Video Games And Good Learning.

James P. Gee writes his narrative about video games and the prevalent education system in their days. Looking back at Gee's narrative we can conclude that some genres were used through the narrative. Initially, it has a non-fiction genre which means that there is time and place or an event. Gee’s character in the narrative played video games and was amazed at how hard and complex that game is, therefore he engaged in virtual research using the internet (page 34), accordingly the time is not specific but after the period of internet invention which was 1983.

Gee is using expository as a sub-genre where he interpreted and analyzed the learning principles, however, Gee is considering some questions that need to be answered, well he is arguing that video games are much better than the regular education system, so he had to know what did you learn from the game? What did you make out of it? Did you just learn how to play?. When having the answers to these questions, Gee is analyzing the principles that give the support to learn a new domain.

Text 2: The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Paulo Freire writes about education, and how academic experience can be the best or the worst for the student. Analyzing the text in our hands, Freire is using an essay genre where he explains, explores, and argues, about the teacher-student relationship at any level, inside or outside the school.

Text 3: Men In The Sun.

Ghassan Kanafani, his novel demonstrates the situation in Palestine during 1948,

And what were the effects caused by the occupation? Kanafani’s novel has a fiction genre, so it was not based on actual characters in those days or it's not exactly specific, however, it obtains real events and real situations people were under during the catastrophe.

Rhetorical Situation

Text 1: Good Video Games and Good Learning.

Gee went through the education system, so we ask why he wrote it? What is the reason? Gee wrote his narrative to describe the education system and what it does to students or people who are involved in the progress. The author is informing us that the system that brings joy to the student and the teacher when giving a lecture or a specific subject is what we need. If this is what we are heading to in the change we will have a generation that desires these subjects because of the indoctrination ways that we are developing.

Text 2: The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Freire is talking about how education can be more effective depending on the relationship between the students and the teacher. What makes it difficult for the students to obey the teacher’s content? Freire says it is the relationship, it is how we think about our teachers, and it is how we feel they think about us.

The outstanding characteristic of this narrative education is the sonority of words, not their transforming power (page 1). The students record, memorize and repeat all these phrases given in a class without knowing the meaning.

Text 3: Men in the Sun

Ghassan Kanafai's novel 1962, Men in the Sun features three Palestinian refugees of different generations in their attempt to gain freedom and prosperity in Kuwait. It was published while he was in Beirut after he was displaced from his home and family.


Text 1: Good Video games and Good Learning.

Gee tries to communicate his ideas to the readers, to the people who are engaged in the education process, he demonstrates in his text that future readers will understand that the inherited educational methods are either the best or the worst.

The idea that what you learned from video games is just how to play it, gee is mentioning this type of question that comes from certain people (page 34). Gee is considering the teachers, professors, academic texts authors in particular, and the students in general, because it always starts from the giver and not the taker, from the speaker and not the listener, the one who is more familiar with the subject, not the one who is about to learn it.

Text 2: The “Banking” Concept of Education.

Freire’s text is very objective and is centered around the descriptions of education in our time. The audience who are the readers could be teachers or students are meant to understand that the issue is the education place and what it has and the way it behaves.

Freire is pointing out those who changed the concept of education where it was to teach and to give experiences that are memorable and useful and understandable, however, the concept has changed into filling the brains with ideas and terms without learning the actual meaning of it that leads to a lack of creativity in the generations.

Text 3: Men in the Sun.

Kanafani writes his story for his readers and also engraves pictures of the obvious difficulties, which every Palestinian endures. It was directed to those who believe in morality and justice over corruption and available temptations.