Project 2

Final Draft Revision



English 0097.002

Professor Daniel Sansing

31 October 2021

What role has technology played in improving medical care?

An individual may choose to work or specialize in the medical field as one of the honorable fields. Medical professionals include doctors, nurses, hospice workers, emergency medical technicians, and other trained caregivers; they all prioritize the patient's health. There are many topics and issues covered in the History of medicine. Over time, humankind has tried to better understand the workings of the human body, and what treatment methods need to be improved.

The diagnosis and treatment of diseases used to be a bit vague and sometimes based on guesswork in times before advanced technological inventions. According to a website article by Samir S. Amr and Abdulghani Tbakhi, patients were dying from bacterial infections that had a large spread all over Baghdad’s hospitals, and surgeries were failing because of the airborne disease at that time. (Amr)

So, the chief minister of Baghdad wanted a solution and people around him encouraged him to seek help from a Persian physician. According to an article published by Britannica, that doctor is called Al-Razi. He was a famous alchemist and philosopher and was also considered the greatest physician of his time. He was asked to pick a location with a low concentration of airborne diseases, Al-Razi picked three locations in Baghdad and left three pieces of fresh meat, one in each location. He chose the spot with the best meat shape. Overall, that was the way they picked a more desirable hospital location. (Amr, Al-Razi)

However, today we are in the year 2021, things are different, technological intelligence has made some processes easier and saved us time and energy, the process of building a hospital is not that difficult anymore. A website article by the University of Illinois Chicago has said that Technology is the driving force behind improvements in healthcare. (UIC)

Nevertheless, there are still some criteria that must exist to be considered an integrated hospital in terms of safety and health.

According to the Stat pearls website article by Roopma Wadhwa and Annie P. Huynh, since 1951 a non-profit organization called The Joint Commission has accredited more than 20,000 US health care programs and organizations. The Joint Commission's stated mission is; to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in supplying safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. This is to prevent medical errors, and it helps facilities gain a reputation by awarding accreditation. (Wadhwa)

There are still hopeless diseases, medical technology has proven helpful to chronic diseases patients, it kept the diseases stable, but some diseases cannot be controlled for too long, they either spread more or end someone’s life. Doctor Stöppler writes in her article, diseases that cannot be prevented via vaccines or medication; are called chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. However, some diseases are curable and technology and modern medicine have improved that over time. (Melissa)

Jan P. Vandenbroucke writes in his article, in the early 1800s, the only possible treatment for kidney stones was surgery indeed which is through lithotomy which was also called cutting the stone. The 1835 paper of Dr. Civiale compares this 'old' mode of surgical removal through the perineal route to the modern procedure known as the lithotripsy transurethral instrument. The stone had to be cut through the skin near the anus and pushed into the bladder until it could be removed. (Vandenbroucke)

The procedure for removing kidney stones has become safer and faster over the past few years. According to a website article by Michael E. Lipkin, MD, a high-powered laser called "Moses" is being developed to simplify the removal of kidney stones. With Moses, the stone does not move as much after the laser hits it, and it is easier to accurately hit stones that are moving as the patient breathes. As a result, surgeons can break down stones without damaging surrounding tissues or causing bleeding. (Lipkin)

At the time of Ancient Greece, less was known about human anatomy than we know today. According to Lisa Fayed's article, Hippocrates believed that the body is comprised of four fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bitterness, and black ire. He believed that an excess of black ire in any given site in the body caused cancer. This was the general thought of the cause of cancer for the next 1,400 years. (Fayed)

It was also said that no treatment for this disease existed, only palliative care, which is often confused with hospice care. According to Fayed, the world's oldest documented case of cancer was treated with cauterization, which destroyed tissue with a hot instrument. (Fayed)

The treatment and control of malignant tumors have improved and become more effective, according to a website article by Carmelita Swiner, MD. Your doctor may have recommended a treatment plan, and you might worry about what it involves and how you will feel. (Swiner)

In her article, Dr. Swiner shows that being nervous or afraid can be normal. Educating yourself about the treatment and what to expect afterward can help ease some of your concerns. It can also help you feel more in control of the situation. (Swiner)

Thus, the treatment of malignant tumors is proven through three popular methods, the first of which is surgery, most people with cancer will have some type of surgery. Tumors, tissue, and areas with cancer cells, such as lymph nodes, are the main targets for removal. A doctor may also do it to diagnose a disease or decide its severity. (Swiner)

Chemotherapy is another treatment option for cancer, which kills cancer cells with drugs. In traditional Chemotherapy, most chemo medications are injected into a vein. Chemotherapy can, however, also be delivered as a shot in your muscle or under your skin or as a cream to apply to your skin, as well as oral chemotherapy, in which you swallow a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Chemotherapy is effective for some types of cancer, but not all of them can be taken orally. In an effort to prevent cancer cells from spreading, radiation uses high-energy particles or waves to destroy or damage them. (Swiner)

Finally, these are some examples that go back to some medical treatments and healthcare diagnoses that have been improved over the years through technology and the human curiosity to find more. However, we can conclude that humanity has always tried to explore increasingly about the human body and what treatment needs to be improved and presented to us. And that is what we have produced nowadays and it is highly effective modern medicine and technology that helps a lot.

Work Cited:

“Al-Razi | Biography & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Accessed on 28 October 2021

Amr, Samir S. Abdulghani, Tbakhi, “Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi (Rhazes): Philosopher, Physician, and Alchemist.” PubMed Central (PMC),

Fayed, Lisa. “How Cancer Was First Discovered and Treated.” Verywell Health, 8 Apr. 2020,

Lipkin, Michael. “Recent Innovations in Kidney Stone Treatment.” Urology Care Foundation, 24 Oct.2018


Swiner, Carmelita. “Cancer Treatment: What Are the Options?” WebMD, 3 July 2020,

Stöppler, Melissa. “Medical Definition of Chronic Disease.” MedicineNet, 29 Mar. 2021,

Vandenbroucke, Jan P. “Commentary: Treatment of Bladder Stones and Probabilistic Reasoning in Medicine.” International Journal of Epidemiology, 1 Dec. 2001,

Wadhwa, Roopma, and Annie P. Huynh. “The Joint Commission.” NCBI, 8 Mar. 2021,

Final Draft



English 0097.002

Professor Daniel Sansing

31 October 2021

What role has technology played in improving medical care?

The medical field is one of the honorable fields in which a person may work or specialize. Medical professionals include doctors, nurses, hospice workers, emergency medical technicians, and other trained caregivers; they all prioritize the patient's health. The History of medicine covers a wide range of topics and issues. Over time, humankind has tried to better understand the workings of the human body, and what treatment methods need to be improved.

Long ago, when advanced technological inventions did not exist, the diagnosis and treatment of conditions were vague and obtained based on speculation in some cases. According to a website article by Samir S. Amr and Abdulghani Tbakhi, patients were dying from bacterial infections that had a large spread all over Baghdad’s hospitals, and surgeries were failing because of the airborne disease at that time.

So, the chief minister of Baghdad wanted a solution and people around him encouraged him to seek help from a Persian physician. According to an article published by Britannica, that doctor is called Al-Razi. He was a famous alchemist and philosopher and was also considered the greatest physician of his time. He was asked to pick a location with a low concentration of airborne diseases, Al-Razi picked three locations in Baghdad and left three pieces of fresh meat, one in each location. He chose the spot with the best meat shape. Overall, that was the way they picked a more desirable hospital location.

However, today we are in the year 2021, things are different, technological intelligence has made some processes easier and saved us time and energy, the process of building a hospital is not that difficult anymore. A website article by the University of Illinois Chicago has said that Technology is the driving force behind improvements in healthcare.

Nevertheless, there are still some criteria that must exist to be considered an integrated hospital in terms of safety and health.

According to the Stat pearls website article by Roopma Wadhwa and Annie P. Huynh, since 1951 a non-profit organization called The Joint Commission has accredited more than 20,000 US health care programs and organizations. The Joint Commission's stated mission is; to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in supplying safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. This is to prevent medical errors, and it helps facilities gain a reputation by awarding accreditation.

There are still hopeless diseases, medical technology has proven helpful to chronic diseases patients, it kept the diseases stable, but some diseases cannot be controlled for too long, they either spread more or end someone’s life. Doctor Stöppler writes in her article, diseases that cannot be prevented via vaccines or medication; are called chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. However, some diseases are curable and technology and modern medicine have improved that over time.

Jan P. Vandenbroucke writes in his article, in the early 1800s, the only possible treatment for kidney stones was surgery indeed which is through lithotomy which was also called cutting the stone. The 1835 paper of Dr. Civiale compares this 'old' mode of surgical removal through the perineal route to the modern procedure known as the lithotripsy transurethral instrument. The stone had to be cut through the skin near the anus and pushed into the bladder until it could be removed.

The procedure for removing kidney stones has become safer and faster over the past few years. According to a website article by Michael E. Lipkin, MD, a high-powered laser called "Moses" is being developed to simplify the removal of kidney stones. With Moses, the stone does not move as much after the laser hits it, and it is easier to accurately hit stones that are moving as the patient breathes. As a result, surgeons can break down stones without damaging surrounding tissues or causing bleeding.

In Ancient Greece, much less was known about the human body than what is known today, of course. Lisa Fayed Writes in her article, Hippocrates believed that the body was composed of four fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bitterness, and black ire. He believed that an excess of black ire in any given site in the body caused cancer. This was the general thought of the cause of cancer for the next 1,400 years.

According to Fayed, the world's oldest documented case of cancer was treated with cauterization, which destroyed tissue with a hot instrument called "the fire drill." It was also said that no treatment for the disease existed, only palliative care; Palliative care is a treatment approach is that is sometimes confused with hospice care.

The treatment and control of malignant tumors have improved and become more effective, according to a website article by Carmelita Swiner, MD. Your doctor may have recommended a treatment plan, and you might worry about what it involves and how you will feel.

In her article, Dr. Swiner shows that being nervous or afraid can be normal. Educating yourself about the treatment and what to expect afterward can help ease some of your concerns. It can also help you feel more in control of the situation.

Thus, the treatment of malignant tumors is proven through three popular methods, the first of which is surgery, most people with cancer will have some type of surgery. Tumors, tissue, and areas with cancer cells, such as lymph nodes, are the main targets for removal. A doctor may also do it to diagnose a disease or decide its severity.

The second form of cancer treatment is chemotherapy, which uses drugs to kill cancer cells. In traditional Chemotherapy, most chemo medications are injected into a vein. However, there are some types of chemotherapy that you can get as a shot in your muscle or under your skin, or as a medicine or cream to put on your skin, and there is oral chemotherapy, in which you swallow a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Chemotherapy is effective for some types of cancer, but not all of them can be taken orally. Radiation is another form of treatment that uses high-energy particles or waves to destroy or damage cancer cells to prevent them from spreading.

Finally, these are some examples that go back to some medical treatments and healthcare diagnoses that have been improved over the years through technology and the human curiosity to find more. However, we can conclude that humanity has always tried to explore increasingly about the human body and what treatment needs to be improved and presented to us. And that is what we have produced nowadays and it is highly effective modern medicine and technology that helps a lot.

Work Cited:

  • Lipkin, Michael. “Recent Innovations in Kidney Stone Treatment.” Urology Care Foundation, 24 Oct.2018


  • Vandenbroucke, Jan P. “Commentary: Treatment of Bladder Stones and Probabilistic Reasoning in Medicine.” International Journal of Epidemiology, 1 Dec. 2001,

  • Swiner, Carmelita. “Cancer Treatment: What Are the Options?” WebMD, 3 July 2020,

  • Fayed, Lisa. “How Cancer Was First Discovered and Treated.” Verywell Health, 8 Apr. 2020,

  • Stöppler, Melissa. “Medical Definition of Chronic Disease.” MedicineNet, 29 Mar. 2021,

  • Wadhwa, Roopma, and Annie P. Huynh. “The Joint Commission.” NCBI, 8 Mar. 2021,

  • “Al-Razi | Biography & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 17 Sept. 2019,

  • Amr, Samir S., and Abdulghani Tbakhi. “Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi (Rhazes): Philosopher, Physician, and Alchemist.” PubMed Central (PMC),


English 0097

Professor Daniel Sansing

31 October 2021

How has technology helped improve the medical field?

The medical field is one of the honorable fields in which a person may work or specialize. Medical professionals include doctors, nurses, hospice workers, emergency medical technicians, and other trained caregivers, they all have a similar priority which is the patient’s health. The History of medicine covers a wide range of topics and issues. From childbirth to the final days of life, Mankind has sought to understand the workings of the human body, and what treatment methods need to be improved over time.

Long ago, when advanced technological inventions did not exist, the diagnosis and treatment of conditions were vague and obtained based on conjecture in some cases. According to a website article by Samir S. Amr, patients were dying from bacterial infections that had a large spread all over Baghdad’s hospitals, and surgeries were failing because of the airborne disease at that time.

Accordingly, the chief minister of Baghdad wanted a solution and people around him encouraged him to seek help from a Persian physician. According to an article published by Britannica, that doctor is called Al-Razi, he was a famous alchemist and philosopher and was also considered the greatest physician of his time. He was asked to pick a location with a low concentration of airborne diseases, Al-Razi picked three locations in Baghdad and left three pieces of fresh meat, one in each location. He chose the spot with the best meat shape. On the whole, that was the way they picked a healthier hospital location.

However, today we are in the year 2021, things are different, technological intelligence has made some processes easier and saved us time and energy, the process of building a hospital is not that difficult anymore. A website article by the University Of Illinois Chicago has stated that Technology is considered to be the driving force behind improvements in healthcare.

There are still some criteria that must exist in order to be considered an integrated hospital in terms of safety and health.

According to Statpearls website article by Roopma Wadhwa, since 1951 a non-profit organization called The Joint Commission has accredited more than 20,000 US health care programs and organizations. The Joint Commission's stated mission is: "To continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value”. And this is to avoid medical errors and it helps facilities to gain reputation by awarding them accreditation.