
Interviewing is arguably the most critical step in the job search process. Preparation, practice and perseverence are the keys to a successful interview. Be sure to carefully study the Interviewing materials that your coach will give you. Here are a few quick tips:

  • Be well prepared: research the company, anctipate questions and have a few questions of your own to ask at the end of the interview.
  • Dress for success suitable to the type of job you're applying for. If in doubt dress up a bit and make sure your shoes are polished.
  • Greet everyone with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

Telephone Interviews are real interviews and demand as much preparation as face to face meetings. Here are some practical tips.

Skype or Facetime Interviews are becoming more popular and demand extra attention. Read and heed these tips as you prepare.

Practice makes perfect. Call your coach to arrange for a mock interview to build your skills and confidence. Your coach will need a copy of your resume plus a job description or posting to prepare. Your coach will provide feedback after the mock interview.

Follow Up after the interview can be tricky. Be sure to send a thank you note within 24 hours. While you don't want to be a pest, if you don't hear anything by the time the