Cultural Competence

Make active links between diverse [cultural] perspectives and industry

Validate expectations of cultural competencies for employees in both a NZ wide context and industry-specific context

Explore diverse cultural perspectives to increase cultural awareness through diverse teaching and learning strategies, for example, guest speakers, role play, visual resources, storytelling

Create opportunities, and encourage learners to bring their voice and cultural experience to the learning space

Use te reo Māori as a regular part of your teaching practice, both for generic language associated with and relevant to teaching and learning (e.g. greetings, feedback, ako, kōrero, mahi), and for subject-specific terminology

Integrate tikanga Māori processes and Māori pedagogies into your teaching practice e.g use of karakia and waiata; inclusion of Whakawhanaungatanga (connections activity) and poroporoaki (closure and farewell); shared kai; Tuakana-Teina (peer teaching); Ako (teacher as learner and learner as teacher)

Validate diverse cultural contexts – engage learners to share their personal stories/experience; share diverse cultural stories

Model cultural competence in communications, attitudes, choice of diverse learning activities and resources; inclusion of course content that reflects cultural diversity