
1. Professional Learning Processes (Great Minds)

2. Texas Partnership (Great Minds)

1. Professional Learning Processes

As a brand new team at Great Minds, we had the opportunity to influence processes and structures that would optimize efficiency and cost-effectiveness for our company, and timely responsiveness to our professional learning audience. This contributed to the scale, sustainability, and impact of all math professional learning. We collaborated with internal stakeholders to create standardized:

The artifacts below represent just a few of these things.

"You [always] put [our team] in the best light, and you really sought to understand how our team could partner with you in meaningful ways. We have retold the story in our department so many times of you and Agnes at an observation, and you asking Agnes about what matters in our editing in that kind of moment. It was such a good push, and it actually catalyzed our goals for this year, preparing ourselves for a deep dive into the purpose of an editorial function for all kinds of products. That moment, and many others, continue to shape our role in the company -- I'm not sure you know how powerful your voice and that push was to us." -Meri Robi-Craven, Associate Director, Writing Editorial at Great Minds

Run-throughs include representatives from teams across the organization and Feedback Forms are differentiated by role to ensure the most strategic feedback from internal stakeholders. 

Run-Through Example.mp4

Session Run-through (excerpt)

Landing Pages

We updated and standardized this one-stop shop for participants for all session materials and resources, for both on-site and virtual sessions.

Feedback Form .docx

Internal (LED) Feedback Form

Run-throughs include representative from teams across the organization and Feedback Forms are differentiated by role to ensure the most strategic feedback from internal stakeholders. 

VA One Pager for Facilitators.pdf

State-Specific One-Pagers

Provided to facilitators to ensure they are fully apprised of any differences in language, terms, or lessons from national sessions; we later created an audit process 🔽 for state-specific editions, which we used to revise national sessions to minimize differences and further lighten the facilitator lift.

Audit notes.docx

2. Texas Partnership

Texas is a prominent user of the Eureka Math curriculum. Given their size and the number of internal teams instrumental in their supporting them effectively, it could be difficult to ensure support that is both comprehensive for them, and strategic for us. The LED team was instrumental in partnering with Texas educational leaders and with our internal Great Minds team to ensure we offered them cohesive, sustainable, aligned support to impact teachers, leaders, and students at scale. 

The artifacts below represent some of this work.

Notes for Webinar Series.docx

Webinar Planning Notes with Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Revised Module Study Process.pdf

TEA Module Study Process

◀️ Texas 3-Year Professional Learning and Coaching Plan (excerpted)


Texas Pilot Professional Learning Session: Equitable Access for Special Populations (excerpted)