Wildlife, Flora and Fauna


  • Promote sustainable development in the canyon that ensures private/public water diversions do not exceed available groundwater resources to protect wildlife, flora, and fauna.
  • Support changes to the Emigration Canyon General Plan that limit commercial zoning and ensures environmental capacity of roads are not exceeded to protect the natural environment of the canyon.
  • Implement programs that slow down spring run-off and restore riparian vegetation along Emigration Creek to improve water quality and provide essential wildlife habitat and shelter.
Emigration Canyon General Plan 2012.pdf

The most recent Emigration Canyon General, adopted in 2015, does not provide adequate environmental protections and restrictions on commercial development and creation of subdivisions in the canyon. The EC Metro Township is in the process of updating the plan.

SLCO emigration plan 1999.pdf

Emigration Canyon General Plan of 1999. This plan recognizes limits to water resources in the canyon and recommends limits to development to prevent de-watering of the stream. Compiled with extensive input from the Emigration Canyon community and involvement of many state and federal agencies protecting wildlife, flora, and fauna.