

We met with the Division of Water Rights in April 2019 to discuss concerns about sustainability of water resources in Emigration Canyon. As a result of this meeting, the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) provided a preliminary study proposal to increase insight in the complex relationship between geology and hydrology of the canyon and delineate the groundwater system and its connection with stream flow. We feel this study should also include information on the total capacity of groundwater resources in the canyon and provide a framework for monitoring the groundwater system to develop a comprehensive hydrological database that can be used to guide future water management decisions. Together with the Division of Water Rights we have contacted various stakeholders for support and funding of this study, and have secured financial commitments for 75% of the cost of this $200,000 study proposal.


We presented a slide show on "Sustainability of Groundwater Resources" to Emigration Improvement District (EID) and Emigration Canyon Community Council (ECCC) in April and June 2019. We recommended that EID base their water management decisions on climate research and long-term monitoring of the groundwater system to ensure available water resources are not exceeded.


We participated in EPA’s Septic Smart week, held from September 16-20, 2019, to educate residents on E. coli contamination of the creek, proper septic care, and alternative septic systems. We are currently working on a long-term plan for septic systems in the canyon and are looking for access to grants and/or low interest loans in coordination with EID, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and the Salt Lake County Health Department.


In January 2020 we wrote an EPA grant application for a watershed plan, which outlines problems related to water in the canyon and provides examples on how these issues could be addressed. Creation of a watershed plan will greatly increase our chances of getting additional grants to complete proposed projects described in the plan. EC Metro Township signed the application in February and the proposal was funded by the EPA in May. EC Metro Township is currently looking into hiring a consultant to write this planning documents, appoint a steering committee that will oversee its completion, and devise a plan to reach out to stakeholders. The Sustainability Alliance is committed to help with education and outreach activities. As part of that effort, we sent a septic maintenance mailing in June to increase awareness of E.coli contamination of the creek and offer homeowners an opportunity to sign up for regular septic care notifications.


To address decreased stream flow in late summer, we are looking into feasibility of a water management plan called Aquifer Storage and Release (ASR). Water that would normally leave the canyon during spring run-off is captured and stored in an aquifer or water tank. During late summer, when stream flow is low, the stored water is released to Emigration Creek. Implementation of this plan would help EID achieve it’s minimum stream flow goals of 115 gallon/min at Burr Fork, as stated in their Water Management and Sustainability Plan.


One of the members of the Sustainability Alliance is on the steering committee of the Emigration Canyon General Plan to push for limitations on commercial zoning and promote sustainable road, trail and residential development to protect the natural environment of the canyon.


A program to clean up garbage along Emigration Canyon road was initiated by the Sustainability Alliance in the fall of 2019. We have been looking into expanding this program to clean up garbage in and along the creek. The Emigration Canyon Community Council (ECCC) has taken over organization and implementation of this program.

Did we miss anything? We welcome your comments!