
  • Facilitate studies that provide data on the effect of climate change and private/commercial water diversions on the groundwater system.

  • Support water management decisions that are based on science and guided by sustainability goals.

  • Promote increased oversight of Water Service Districts and implementation of State Legislative Code supporting responsible use of water resources.

  • Educate residents on the threat of E. coli contamination of wells related to leaking septic systems, especially during times of drought.

  • Implement programs that address problems with faulty septic systems to improve water quality of Emigration Creek and drinking water quality of wells.

  • Promote policy and programs that help maintain year-round streamflow in Emigration Creek.

  • Support use of well monitoring systems that prevent groundwater mining and related hydrological drought associated with commercial water diversions.

  • Implement water conservation programs.

  • Promote sustainable development in the canyon that ensures private/commercial water diversions do not exceed available groundwater resources to protect wildlife, flora and fauna.

  • Support changes to the Emigration Canyon General Plan that limit commercial zoning and ensures environmental capacity of roads are not exceeded to protect the natural environment of the canyon.

  • Implement programs that slow down spring run-off and restore riparian vegetation along Emigration Creek to improve water quality and provide essential wildlife habitat and shelter.